Saturday, December 25, 2010

2010; Day 1: A few things you will never forget in 2010.

Day 1: A few things you will never forget in 2010.
Day 2: Relationship(s).
Day 3: The best day.
Day 4: The worst day.
Day 5: The most memorable moment.
Day 6: Your best friend(s).
Day 7: Your birthday.
Day 8: The funnest getaway.
Day 9: The end of last school year/the beginning of this one.
Day 10: New Year resolutions.

Day 1: A few things you will never forget in 2010.
This year, I will not forget the challenges I had to go through. My relationship that brought me pain and joy. My friendships that ended and started. Graduating High School. Starting College. Getting my first car. My crazy late night adventures. The changes that I encountered. The crazy things I did. Etc. Honestly, every year has it's ups and downs, we just got to make the best of it while it last.

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