Last day at work :( I don't think I can work during fall cause it'll conflict with my class schedule but anyways. Pretty much I spent more then half the time setting up for the closing party. Arg the food made me feel icky cause of all the junk food. It made me sad how a majority of my students didn't come to tutoring that day though :( No more partnership with Eva D; It makes me sad cause that's the only time we ever get to hang out! And see each other in general! No more picking on Nicole, man I gotta admit, I'm going to miss tutoring cause it was a part of my daily routine and I've been doing it for a long time. Blehh well after we got paid and said our goodbyes, I went to pick up Judy, dropped off Ashley, then we went to Joann's, Benser, and Che Cali.

IT'S TOO EARLY TO GET UP! But it was all worth it! I rolled out of bed and went to ask Molina if she wanted to go to Irvine with me for lunch. The whole ride there we were just singing in the car :D We got to UCI about 11:30am and met up with Stacy and Edward. We went to grab lunch at Shik Do Rak. It was pretty good korean bbq! Molina has been bugging me to take her so she was a happy camper. After we ended up taking cues and going to Lollicup then back to their apartment. We were messing around with Edwards UCI email and set it on random. So every time he logged on, there was a different color and we told him to just use that as his "What should I wear today" thingy but he thought it was too funky! We ended up watching this TV show for a while then we finally went to the community center to play air hockey and pool. I was really tired so I sat out a lot but then Edward started messing around with me! Molina and I left around 4:30 to head back for the YUCA luau. It was fun hanging out with Edward and Stacy again! Too bad Benson thought he was too cool for me :( OMG the drive back was hell! I despise traffic! And Molina fell asleep on me too! :( Other then that the luau was alright. Most of the time I was with Cathy and we just danced all night together! :D Honestly, I'm going to miss that bitch :(

J3 HANGOUT! DAMN IT'S BEEN FOREVER SINCE THE 3 OF US HUNG OUT TOGETHER! We were limited on our time with Jamie so after I picked up Judy, I was busting a Fast and the Furious to Northridge Mall! But then, it ended up that Jamie was late :P But it's okay! When we met up, we went to eat crepes and caught up on things. Walked around the Disney store and took cues! It was really short but I still enjoyed it (: I went to Angela's house after to pick up the Cardcaptor staff then Judy and I headed back to LA. I had some errands to run so we went to Alhambra and I was really tired so we went back home.
Sunday, Aug8
Damn I knocked out for 15 hours! Pretty much I spent the day working on my cosplay. Yay I got the pants done! Oh yeah and Tony came by and got me In-N-Out! He called it my "happy get better meal" DUDE THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING FOR ME TO EAT BUT OKAY! :D
Ting Tong's hang out! I haven't seen Alanna, Steven, and Julie in soo long! First we stopped by Chinatown to buy shirts then we went to Joann's to buy the spray paint. We realized that since we all got our own shirts color, it would look funny so we decided to just keep what we have and I'll just go buy the black shirts another day. After we bought the spray paint, we went to costco for lunch! I DISCOVERED THAT JULIE NEVER HAD KBBQ! THERE FORE, I BROKE UP WITH HER! END OF STORY! Next we wandered around Target and then we went to watch Step-Up 3D! Honestly the story was whatever, but the dancing, OMGGG I FELL IN LOVEEE~ I FELT SO INSPIRED! After the movies, we were walking to the car and we noticed that was house was on fire ._. It looked like there was nothing in there but we hope that if someone did live there, they're okay. We ended up going to Santa Anita Mall to look at shoes after. I ordered new shoes! And they are sooo cute! There goes my money ._. We had dinner at Tasty Garden and it was delicious! I love the shrimp walnut! After we went to tap Ex, Steven dropped me off at home. Nope Julie we're still breaking up! :D
Sexy time~ I haven't hung out with Kathy for so long! In the morning, Phu came over to drop off some medicine. Funny thing was right after he left, Kathy came 10 seconds later! Phu ended up coming back and we all just stood around and talked. Around 2 Kathy and I took my grandma to the hospital for her appointment and had lunch. Took grandma home and ended up watching Finding Nemo. We then drove over the Kathy's house and Phu picked us up and on wards to Huntington Beach we went! It was awkward when we were there so Kathy and I just hung out near the water and watched the sunset. Later we went to where all the Frats & Sorority were and just sat around. After we went to grab some Tastea then we ate at KT Cafe. ZOMG the fries are so bomb! After dinner we dropped Kathy off at home, then Phu took me home. Damn that boy changed so much for the better! But it was nice hanging out with him and Kathy (:
Andy and I were suppose to go out to the OC Fair today but that didn't work out. I ended up going to Chinatown with Salina and Stephanie. Walked around looking for yellow flats but that was fail. Bought the black shirts for WOD and just walked around. Went to the pet store down the hill of my house and bought Aileen a hamster since her's just died recently. I really want that teddy bear hamster! :( I'd name it Hamtaro! When I got home, Judy asked if I wanted to go eat KBBQ with Tommy and Teresa for dinner. I drove over to Judy's and made a stop at the bank. FUNNY THING HAPPENED! As I was exiting the parking lot, I saw this car coming and it stopped right in front of me, and guess who it was?! BRAIN LUU! Random seeing each other there out of all places! Hah we went to eat KBBQ at the Hilton in San Gabriel. Man we were so hungry! After we went to eat shaved ice at Cha for Tea. Dropped off Tommy and borrowed his guitar! Then dropped off Judy&Teresa and came home (:
ReplyDeleteno more jen saying
"im not here!" during the meetings!