Ericka's Pool Party & Meteor Showers
Oh man I lagged so bad today! In the morning I had to drive over to Verdugo to drop off Molina at her friends house. I stopped by Kevin Kim's house to say hi and caught up a bit. We got too caught up in our conversation that I was late in picking up Jia Ying, Ken, and Ashley. I busted a speed racer getting back to Lincoln Heights. I picked them up and on our way to Ericka's pool party! We got a little lost cause Ashley misread the directions but it's okay we found our way! By the time we got there, everyone was already in the pool so we all changed and jumped in! It was really nice and relaxing because it was really hot. Mhmm the food was delicious too! After I dried up I didn't feel like getting back into the water so I just sat around and relaxed. I felt tired too and I didn't want to stay in the water for a long time since I was already sick. Poor Finne got thrown into the water when she wasn't even planning on getting in. After the party, we all said our goodbyes. Dropped off Andy then Ashley at home. Jia Ying and Ken were really hungry so we went back to Alhambra and ate as Garden Cafe. Dropped then off and went home. Phu came to pick me up then we headed to GMR for the Meteor Showers. Shit it's been a while since I sat in his car with his crazy driving up to the mountains. It didn't really start showering till 3:30am and that was when we left. I got a little fever while I was laying in the back of Phu's car so I fell asleep on the way home. I believe I got home around 4am.

Knapp's Castle @ Santa Barbara for Odin Sphere photo shoot
OMG SOOO TIRED MAN. I had to get up so early in the morning. Well.. 9ish but still ! I'm so sleepy! Went to pick up Uncle Mike and headed to Mommy Angela's house. Luckily there wasn't any traffic on the 101 and the 405. Well.. maybe a little but it wasn't so bad. The meet up time wasn't until 10 but everyone was late and had last minute cosplay to finish. Since we were hungry, we drove over to Micheal's Art store and went to eat at L&L Hawaiian BBQ. It was delicious but we were so behind on schedule! I think we left around 1ish. On the way to Santa Barbara, Priscilla and I fell asleep, but the scenery was nice! When we got up to the mountains, we got lost and it turns out we missed the stop. We kept driving looking for the rocks but we couldn't find it! Luckily we had reception so we were able to called Mike and everyone else. Once we all met up, we got into cosplay! The hike there was crazy. Well, not really, it was more of cause we had so much to carry and the heat made it hard. Especially those with the heavy or big props. GOD DAMN MY WINGS. AND DAMN THOSE ANNOYING FLIES! Anyways, my crystal on my crossbow started breaking :( Slowly, all of our props and cosplay started coming apart. It was fun exploring the area! I felt like I was literally in the game! We left around 8 and got back around 9:30. Priscilla and I were really tried so we both drove home. On the way home on the 405, the police stopped everyone on the freeway so I was stuck there for a while. Finally got home and found out that I could have gone to dinner with everyone else T.T

WOD Shirts & Santa Monica
I started off my day with working on my Card Capter Sakura cosplay. Julie, Alanna, Steven, and Julie's sisters (Tiffany & Tammy) eventually came over and we started working on the shirts. Well actually.. we spent almost an hour thinking of a name! Eventually we came up with iDK! After we sprayed painted the shirts, Alanna's and mines weren't that visible :( We were thinking of new ideas but got hungry so I went to change and we were going to go eat at JJ Cafe. On the way, Alanna called Julie saying that she wasn't feeling well so her and Steven weren't going to join us. So we ended up going to Zen Buffet to eat. YUMMM so goood man! Shut up about what happen in the parking lot Julie! After we went to take cues! It's so cute how Tammy and Tiffany were so lost at what was going on :P After we walked around Main Street and Ross to kill time because Yong was on his way back form the Jam. Went to pick him up then went back to Julie's to get sweaters. Went to Jack in the Box then off to Santa Monica! Burrr it was so cold! We went to the pier and rode a ride. Fucken Julie scared the shit out of me on that ride! It was the first time I was actually really scared of a roller coaster just crying my way out for it to end! Eff you Julie! D; We went to the beach after and just chilled. I was cold so I went to sit down, watched the stuff, and hung out with Yong. It was cute watching Julie and her sisters play. It's the feeling of not seeing someone in so long and once they're back, you just want to spend as much as you can with them before they're gone again. Then again, I thought about how I never spend time with my little sisters like that before. After the beach, we went to get funnel cake and I was too tired so Yong drove my car back, then I dropped off Julie and her sisters, and I got home around 2am. Amazingly, my dad didn't get mad ._.

Nisei Week Festival
Zomg, so it turned out that Priscilla and I didn't finish our Sakura cosplays in time so we just went as Yuna and Tifa. Priscilla came to pick me up and we went to meet up with everyone at Little Tokyo. We were the only ones in our group in cosplay but it's all good! Priscilla and I already ate so we just sat there and talked. After we walked the to Art district for a photo shoot. Oh man I was tired so after Priscilla and I went back to the car and changed. Well I went to buy a shirt since I already had shorts under and Priscilla just put clothes together LOL. Went back to meet up with everyone. They were still deciding on what to eat for dinner and I was reallly hungry so I went to get some onion rings & french fries at Johnny Rocket! We finally decided on where to eat but at the same time, everyone was still lagging cause they get caught up in their conversation but thats okay. Everyone jumped into Eric's car while Priscilla and I took her car. I had to stop by the bank to get some cash. Gosh I miss having extra cash :( I need another job. Dang when we got to O Dae Dan, the parking was extra VIP! The wait took a while, but the service was pretty good. For some reason, I didn't eat as much kbbq then I usually do. Maybe cause this time I wasn't cooking. After dinner, Priscilla, Nicole, Ava, and I had to GTFO asap! We dropped off Nicole and Ava back at Little Tokyo, then Priscilla dropped me off at home. My staff got stuck in her car! So I'll just get it back another time.
Visiting Lincoln
Jia Ying's last day in LA :(. She called me around 10 to wake me up but I was still too lazy to get up. I went to pick her up then we went to Lincoln. Dangg the school looked all packed and hectic because everyone's class schedule was messed up! I went to get my final transcripts then we just wandered around and said hi to teachers then hung around Brewer's class till school ended. After school I went to Paulson's class to talk to her and left around 4 because Molina was alreayd off the bus. While walking on the side of the school, I saw this and I just had to take a picture of it! Picked up Molina then went to McDonalds and came home.
Kayaking with Cousins
Whee I love spending time with my cousins! We usually have something to do each summer(: First we went to eat at a restaurant called Crystal. The food was alright, but the service was horrible! Oh man I never knew how tiring kayaking would be! Oh and when we first got out into the open area, a seal popped up in front of me! I wanted to play with it~ After an hr and a half of kayaking, wed headed back to shore and damn I got so tanned! After we started to head home and since Nelson got lost again, Phyllis, Aileen, and I decided to go to Baskin Robins. Mhmm ice cream! Dropped off Phyllis then back home.
Out with Andy.
I dyed my hair blueee! I had time to kill, and nothing else to do, so what the heck? :P Went to get Andy around 5ish so we decided to just go to the movies first. We decided to watch Vampires Suck. It was a alright movie. I thought it was funny because I've seen all 3 movies so I understood the jokes, but there were parks where it was just plain annoying. After the movies we went to grab some In-N-Out. Andy finally got the 4x4 that he has been dying to try! After we got our food, we went to eat it at Almansor park. Oh man there was like no parking anywhere! but we found some near the tennis courts :D Talked for a bit then went to Quickly's. I ended up taking him up to GMR to look at the stars and city light~
Visiting Verdugo, ABC Bowling, Golfing, YUCA, Santa Monica
Kelly dragged me out of bed way too early T.T First we went to visit Verdugo. I was happy to see all my favorite teachers again! Except Dick wasn't at school and I couldn't find Kampmeyer :( Oh man the Asian room looked so dead and empty! Did that much seniors graduate?! After visiting, we headed back to LA to pick up Cathy, Ashley, and Hoang. First we went to eat at Quickly's then bowling. We decided to have a little fun and change our names. Hoang was Shirley, Cathy was Melissa, Ashley was Setph, Kelly was Emily, and I was Kathy. So the deal was loser walks home, and guess who lost? x) Heh MELISSA. Too bad she didn't do it though. Played a few games of DDR and air hockey then we went to Almansor Park to golf. Man they were so loud. =.= After we headed to YUCA. Left early because we were suppose to meet up at 5pm for our bonfire. Dropped off Molina at home and headed to Danny's. BUT GUESS WHAT? NO ONE WAS THERE TILL 7:30PM. So they decided to go to Santa Monica Beach. Went to pick up Andy then headed to Santa Monica. Freaken by the time we got there, we get a phone call saying that everyone in Danny's car were just going to head back to Alhambra to eat. By the time everyone in my car and Kenny's met up, they called back saying that they weren't going to eat without us. WTF guys. So we flipped and coin and decided to go back. I didn't feel like eating so I dropped off Cathy, Hoang, and Kelly at Noodle World then Andy off at home.
Cha's Pool Party
Found out that Priscilla couldn't come because Fuzzy is sick :( So I went to pick up Uncle Mike then headed towards Cha's house. OMG TRAFFIC! But it wasn't as bad as I thought. I tried lumpia for the first time! IT WAS DELICIOUS! Uncle Mike and I were fighting over it x) Helped Cha tie the water balloons then I jumped into the pool! INTERCEPTION! Hah we had out water balloon war part 1 while swimming! After swimming, I realized that chlorine was bad for my hair! So the dye faded away :( NOOOO Juni finally came but I was already dry so I didn't want to get back into the pool or have the water balloon war part 2. After we made strawberry dipped in chocolate :3 After those were done, they started on the brownies and crepe but I had to leave early so we said our goodbyes and took pictures. Went to pick up Andy and just hung out because it was his last day in LA ~

Uncles, Costco, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
In the morning, I dropped off Molina at YUCA for the beach clean-up. I didn't feel like going anymore because I was tired. When I got home, my sister told me that we're suppose to go over to my Uncle's house to pray. WE WERE NOT INFORMED ABOUT THIS. So I quickly got ready and we walked over to our uncle's house. By the time we got there, everyone already prayed so we just ate. Got to spend time with my cousins then walked home with Salina. Once I got home, I redyed my hair blue again while watching The Blind Side. Really good movie! After I went to my room to start putting pictures up on my wall. I watched 'Where the Wild Things Are'. I thought it was an okay movie. Went to return the movies then back home. Parents went to a wedding so by the time I got back they were already gone. Went to pick up Molina then by the time I got home, Yong barley arrived. We went to Alhambra to watch 'Scott Pilgrim vs The World'. Before the movie, I was hungry so I went to Johnny Rockets to buy some fries. Stupid Yong was all picking on me cause I couldn't read his damn shirt! Went into the movies and guess who I bumped into!? Cisco Valle! I haven't seen that guy since graduation! I thought that the movie dragged a bit, but I still liked it! After we went to TapEx then Yong dropped me off at home.
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