In my summer to do list, I completed 52.5/87 with 4 either in progress or will happen.
[x] Anime Expo
[x] Disneyland
[x] Six Flags
[x] Boba
[x] Shaved Ice
[x] Cues
[x] Hair cut
[x] Watch fireworks
[x] Go eat KBBQ
[x] Eat Kogi
[x] Lunch Date
[x] Eat a bacon wrapped hotdog
[x] Sleepover
[x] Ice Cream
[x] Adventure
[x] Backyard BBQ
[x] Movie&Dinner Date
[x] Walk around downtown
[x] Curry House
[x] Swimming in a pool
[x] Guppy's
[x] Funnel Cake
[x] Clubbing
[x] Go to a concert
[x] Spontaneous Day
[x] Get back into dancing when leg heals
[x] Party
[x] Irvine
[x] Beach
[x] Watch the sunset
[x] Blow bubbles
[x] Go to the beach at night
[x] Stargazing
[x] Drive up the mountain at night
[x] Boat ride
[x] Write letters
[x] Bowling
[x] Watch a Musical
[x] Movie Marathon
[x] Make lunch
[x] Karaoke
[x] Make a to do list
[x] Take a bunch of pictures
[x] New Look
[x] Eat a tub of ice cream
[x] Rearrange my wall
[x] Pho
[x] Receive a
[x] Road Trip
[x] San Diego
[x/-] Bonfire
[] Sea World
[] Ice Skating
[] Cloud Watching
[] Sleep at the park
[] Walk around the park
[] Get back into writing poems
[] Play on the swings
[] Play with a hula-hoop
[] Make a bouquet of flowers for someone
[] Make a collage
[] Go to a museum
[] Go to a aquarium
[] Camping
[] Blow up a balloon and put notes inside
[] Visit the zoo
[] Build a sandcastle
[] Fly a kite
[] Learn to play the piano
[] Learn to play the guitar
[] Do a headstand
[] Strawberry/Cherry picking
[] Grunion
[] Dance Workshop
[] Dance at the beach at night
[] Pazookie
[] Write my name in the sand
[] Collect sand in a bottle
[] Chessecake Factory
[] Make someones day
[] Carnival
In progress:[] Sea World
[] Ice Skating
[] Cloud Watching
[] Sleep at the park
[] Walk around the park
[] Get back into writing poems
[] Play on the swings
[] Play with a hula-hoop
[] Make a bouquet of flowers for someone
[] Make a collage
[] Go to a museum
[] Go to a aquarium
[] Camping
[] Blow up a balloon and put notes inside
[] Visit the zoo
[] Build a sandcastle
[] Fly a kite
[] Learn to play the piano
[] Learn to play the guitar
[] Do a headstand
[] Strawberry/Cherry picking
[] Grunion
[] Dance Workshop
[] Dance at the beach at night
[] Pazookie
[] Write my name in the sand
[] Collect sand in a bottle
[] Chessecake Factory
[] Make someones day
[] Carnival
In progress:
[-] Read a book
[-] Choreograph
[-] ISA
[-] Watch the sunrise
With Judy: [6/10]
[x] six flags
[x] kbbq
[x] cues
[x] make J3 shirts
[x] j3 hangout
[x] karaoke
[] studio pictures
[] las vegas
[] disneyland
[] make judy take her permit test!
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