Yay today I got to hang out with my cousin, Phyllis! Noo she's leaving me for a whole year in China D; Instead of seeing her during the holidays, I'm not going to see her till the end of next summmer! But it's okay she needs the freedom (: We went to get boba and shaved ice at Tapioca Express in San Gabriel. We sat around and talked. Just catching up on whats going on in life and what are our plans in the near coming future. "If you weren't starting school and I wasn't leaving the country, we'd be in San Francisco!" Lol oh Philly :P After that, we went to take cues! She's she cute cause it was her first time so she was just decorating all over the place! We then went back to TapEx to buy Kat a drink. I lost track of time and almost forgot that I had to take Aileen to the train station so we rushed back to my house, picked up my sister, dropped her off at Union Station then we headed to Lincoln. I had to make a quick stop to the park behind 99 to get headphones from Wilson. Dropped Phyllis off at the post office, picked up Molina, picked up Phyllis, dropped off Phyllis, dropped off Molina, then I headed over to Alanna's house. We didn't end up leaving till 6:30ish to pick up Julie. Went to Costco and we were so indecisive on what to buy! Thank goodness everyone who was going to SD came! After we decided to go eat Pho (: Yummmmy!
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