LAX & Ihop
Happy 21st birthday Aileen! So today was my older sister's 21st birthday! I pretty much stayed home all day and watched Avatar. Picked up Salina and Andrew from my mom's store and Molina from Lincoln Heights. Ugh I had some drama because it was Salina's turn to do the dishes and I asked her nicely all day but she didn't do it. So mom got mad and everyone was all bitching at me bout how it's my fault that she's pissed off. Wow I get yelled at for showering. So anyways, we went to LAX to pick up my sister's fiancee, Mithun. It took about an hour for him to come out and I was starving! We ended up going to eat at Ihop for dinner. I must say, sometimes it feels nice to eat out with the family once in a while. The times when there's no arguments but just conversations.
Carwash with Justin & Garden Cafe
Yay after forever! Justin and I finally got to hang out! But before I headed over, I made ravioli for Salina and I to eat! Yumm! Went to Vons for the coinstar machine because I'm a broke cheap ass and didn't want Justin to pay for dinner! Woot I made $50.51 but got only $46.01 because of the stupid fee thing! Oh wells at least I got money! Oh man on the way to Justin's, there were so many freaken huge ass hills! I was like WTF?! The first he does when I pulled up was sprayed my car! Oh my gosh it was freaken hot! The water kept drying and it was even harder to wash the windows! Especially Justin's since his was all tinted, you could see all the water marks x) After we headed out to go pick up people. I went to get Jenna while he went to get Edwin and we met up at Andrew's house. We decided to go eat at Garden Cafe. Oh the way there, Justin and I kept flicking each other off x) By the time I parked and got out of my car, Andrew told me and Jenna that Justin had to leave for a family emergency D; I hope everything is okay. We ate at Garden Cafe and it was pretty akward since Jenna and I don't really hang out and the both of us just met Edwin. So it was pretty much just me and Andrew talking most of the time. After I dropped off Jenna and Edwin, Andrew and I were talking bout how it was such a random combination of people lol. I really need to hang out with Andrew more before he moves up to UCSC :(
Kidnap Cathy
Dude today was so random! First I was picking up Molina,then dropping off Judy's flash drive and then I get a call from Kelly asking if I wanted to take Cathy out because she was upset. At first it got all confusing then it was planned! Went home and got dressed then picked up Kelly and Judy. By the time we got to Cathy's she was still showering! So we invaded her room then we decided to go talk smack about her to her mom! Just kidding. Lol trying to blind fold Cathy was fail but it was hilarious! (video will up uploaded soon) First we went to karaoke and sang out hearts out like drunk Asians! drove up to GMR to see the city lights, but Kelly got really scared so we didn't stay long. Went to eat at In-N-Out and headed back to Lincoln Heights. I needed to get gas and when I pulled up to the gas station, I saw Kevin, Tommy, Angel, Jimmy (?) and I believe the girl in the front seat was Kevin's girlfriend. Dropped off everyone at home and now here I am (:
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