Wednesday, June 30
Wahhhh I stayed up so late just trying to finish Mercedes! But I got as far as attaching the pants so its all goood! I ended up waking up early so that I can work on my wings. Louis told me that he was going to come and pick me up around 10 or 11 so I got ready and went down to buy the cup noodles! They ended up lagging so I had time. Went to buy materials to make Priscilla's psypher and our LED lights. Thankfully I got home a minute before they got to my house! On wards to AX! We got a little lost getting to the hotel because of the damn one way streets! RAWR! But we got there and met up with Taro Boys! Brought our stuff up to the hotel and settled down. We got hungry so we went to eat some sushi. It was so not worth it! After that we headed towards the con to pick up our badges. Turns out that they cut they line so we weren't able to pick it up :( Worked on Mercedes wings. Actually we were all working on cosplay lol. Poor Juni! He was scared shitless while wearing the Red-X mask and Cha sewing at the same time! Later that night, while we were all still working on cosplay, we decided to make a McDonalds run! But it wasn't JUST a McDonalds run. We ended up driving back to Van Nueys to Angela's and Juni's place to pick up stuff and to check if the meat was in Louis car, but it wasn't. Then we went to McDonalds! I swear it was so random! But it was fun!
Thursday, July1
DAY ONE of Anime Expo! Oh man woke up so sore :( But Mommy Angela, Daddy Louis and I woke up around 6 and left around 7ish to go pick up the badges. The line wasn't that bad. We only waited an hour :D Right after that we went back to the hotel to sleep some more! Priscilla and Austin came so we got ready to head to the con! After we changed. Today Priscilla and I were the wedding version of Rin and Miku was the bridesmaid. Whew it was so tiring walking around and getting stopped like 8490284902 times! Poor Priscilla had a blister so I trades shoes with her. She wore my flats while I took her heels. Shitt they hurt so bad but its ok! We walked around the dealers hall while waiting for Austin but it turned out that he had to leave. So we wandered around then we went to get boba! Funny thing is that we got drinks that matched us! I got peach and it was yellow ! Priscilla got green tea and she was green! Hah after a while we decided to go back to the hotel room and just chilled. Everyone went to CPK to eat for Louis bday but I decided not to go because I wanted to finish my wings for Mercedes. Successfully I finished it! I told myself that I wouldn't go to the dance unless and finished and woot woot! That's whats up! When I got there I went straight into the circle! Eventually it died though. The dance was pretty.. ehh So I just went back into the hotel room and slept.
Friday, July2
DAY TWO of Anime Expo! The big day! The day to debut our Odin Sphere cosplay! God damn it was so hard moving around! It was funny trying to move around though. Especially for me and Priscilla! Me with my giant wings and Priscilla with her bird wings! We pretty much just wandered around the convention and got stopped a bunch of times! Within a hour, we got hungry so we headed back to the hotel. But there were times when we had to wait for people. I was dieing ! My crossbow was so heavy :( So we finally got into the hotel room! Then we finished up Howards Ingway's cosplay! During this time I fell asleep without knowing it! When I woke up, Cha was telling me bout how she wanted to take a picture of Me, Angela, and her then she turned around and then I was sleeping LOL. By the time I woke up, it was time for the photoshoot! Oh man I got to climb a tree and it was pretty crazy but then lighting wasn't working with us so we worked our ways around. It's ok we're going to do another shoot outside of the con anyways (: After I was done, Priscilla had to go so I went back into the hotel room with her. I really had to pee so I had to literally take off everything! My wings and body suit. By the time I was almost done, Priscilla already left me D; So I had a hard time trying to pin my wings back on. By the time I got back, Mike and Ashley already left so we were going to shoot with Eric. Hah funny thing was that he was drunk :3 After all that, we headed back into the hotel room. By the time we were at the lobby, we got stopped for a picture and when I saw the guys, I thought to myself "Hey I've seen these guys before" Then we talked for a bit but I had to go so I told them I'd be back. After I changed, I went to meet up with them and then they dragged me to Denny's and we just chilled. I shared a classic burger with Yong cause he kept bugging me to eat. Thank you! After that we went back to the hotel and then we just sat around and talked till 4:30am? Poor Mike was dead tired hah. Richard C. and I even ditched him to hide for a bit but then he didn't notice we were gone. So after that I just went back to the room and slept. Well actually.. I went in and Louis & Leon were still awake working on Leon's cosplay.
Saturday, July3
DAY THREE of Anime Expo! Pokemon trainers! We woke up to work on Leon's cosplay and god damn he was crying like a little girl! I was funny seeing their brotherly bond (: When they were close to getting done, Angela and I decided on getting ready. Rex came into the room later on. While I was getting ready he came up to me and asked "Hey so you were out late last night huh? Were you with those guys I saw you with?" and I said yeah. Then he said "Ohhh ey ey ey so which one" I was like "WTF you know that I'm with Andy" then he said "I'm not the one with a expiration date". I was so fucken piss that that ruined my fucken day. After that he tried to hug me and apologize but I was too pissed off and just elbowed him and told him to just get the fuck off of me and to not fucken touch me. Besides that, today we collaborated with TaroBoys as Pokemon trainers! We were pretty bad ass ! Priscilla, Austin, and I were separated from the group because we were looking for Pokemon plushies. We pretty much spent the day wandering around the dealers hall. Priscilla got tired and wanted to change so we went back into the hotel. Ashley & Mike came up to the room to grab a drink but the 4.. well.. 3 since Mike fell asleep just sat around and talked. It was a nice conversation I must say (: Pri and I headed back to the con because Austin was in the tabletop gamers room playing Yu-Gi-Oh. When we got there, Alan called me to go back to the hotel because Nicole needed the boots that I was borrowing for their One Piece photoshoot. So I went back to the hotel and changed into Emi. When I was halfway to the con, I get another call from Alan saying that Rex needed the room key because he needed to change. I was thinking "WTF you were in the room when I opened it for you why didn't you fucken change then" So I went back to the hotel again to give him the fucken key. And no fucken way was I going to wait for his ass to come back down to give me the key. I finally got back to the tabletop gamers room and just relaxed for a bit. I decided to go to the arcade to show some people up in my Emi cosplay since her character is dancer from DDR I decided on playing Para Para and DDR. Shit man I'm the legit Emi! After that I went to meet up with Louis, Angela, and Priscilla then we went back to the hotel to rest. I started cleaning up the room just to relieve myself. WE ALSO HAD OUR PIZZA PARTY DINNNAH! BWAHAH After waiting for Eric, Mike, and the other photographers, everyone started getting ready. Jonathan came into the room and started giving me attitude asking if I needed the boots. I said yeah but he kept giving me attitude asking questions like "DO YOU NEED IT OR NO? ARE YOU COMING OR NOT?" So I got hella pissed and yelled back and ended up crying. It was just too much drama and too much holding in throughout the day. I ended up going to the dance that night with Mike, Richard, Chris, Ruby, Angela, Richard, and I forgot everyone else name. The dance was alright. after that just chilled in the room with them then went back to my room bout 4:30am.
Sunday, July4
DAY FOUR of Anime Expo! Oh man it still hasn't hit me that AX happened! Today I cosplayed as Flonne from Disgaea. Basically spent the day in the dealers hall. Went back to the hotel. Fell asleep. Ate at Curry house. ONION DING! Yogurtland. Paranormal Activities. Late night scary stories. zZz..
Monday, July5
Zomg AX is over! And it still hasn't hit me! It felt so empty. So we rolled out of bed near 11 and started cleaning up. Slowly everyone started going their own ways and back to the real world we come! When I got home, my parents dragged me out of the house TO GET MY NEW CAR! YAY! We were basically there from 4-10pm T.T But hey I got to drive home! =D Went out to watch Eclipse after that. Ehh it was an okay movie. Soo cheesy! Went to JJ Cafe after then fell asleep at my friends house. WHOOOOPS !
LMFAOOO at the jacob impersonator!