Friday, July 16, 2010


After the placement exam, I can home to change and get ready to drive over to my cousins house to swim. As I was backing out, I saw a truck coming, so I stopped. When I saw it pulling aside to park, I started backing out slowly and bam! HIT. I didn't see that car coming at all. All I know is that it was on the other side of the lane coming from the same direction as the truck. So pretty much that car came from the side of the truck trying to cut it off. WTF. As the lady was talking to my dad on the phone, they were talking in Cambodian so I had no clue what so ever of what they were saying. She handed the phone to me and my dad said to sign and write a paper saying "I, Jennifer Ung, hit your car" WTF. WHY DON'T I GET TO ARGUE BACK?! Better fucken yet, why won't my dad let me say what I saw happen? Oh yeah, I know, cause I'm the fucken teenager and no one ever believes us right? This is fucken bullshit.

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