Lily Ung: Remember how they gave us lunch cards to slide? I remember on the first day of school, when i went to look for my card on the card rack, i saw your card below mine and I was happy. I thought you were going to be in the same class as me again. When class started, I sat and waited for you to walk in. I looked around but you were no where to be found. I though you might be absent or something so I waited for the next day. I didn't see you -- the whole year!
Cisco Valle: I want to see you dance because I heard you're good! (:
Kevin Dang: Well it was your decision to sit next to me is probably the best decision you ever made. :P It's been a fun year mooching food and molesting your drinks. And yes, I will remember you as that girl i sat next to that liked to harass Cathy (:
Binhuang Chen: It doesn't matter where you go, I hope you have a lot of fun, work your but off. I see you in UCLA (:
Kris Balauag: You = awesome.
You leaving = Kris sad.
You're so awesome.. OMG
I'm sad already.. BETTER KEEP IN TOUCH & KEEP YOUR PROMISE TO ME! keep in touch bestie. i'm REALLY going to miss you
Johnson Dang: Hi Jen! Although I've only met you this year, I enjoy meeting you.. I guess :P
Chiara Zhou: Jenn baby! You're one of the best dancers I know! i loved dancing (sexing) wiht you at prom!!! Come to my prom♥
Michelle Yu: Thank you so much for being there for me all the times when I had my downs. You were always there for me no matter what stupid retard choice I made. Stood by my side all the time. You were indeed a great friend and I love you so much! I'm going to miss you! Remember those times that we would always see each other but don't know who we were but just always had taht smile and wave until dance came along, we have been brought closer then ever ♥ Jenn ! I'm really going to miss you! So damn much! you've been though so much for a short (tall-cough) :p but fun-sized. You are so damn energetic and strong! This whole year, yes there were struggles and your faith of never giving up. When people talk bad, you didn't take it up the "ass" and didn't make a big deal because you are the one who knows how you are and tour true friends know your true self. You've been always so strong and I really admire that about you.
Jeff Flores: 2nd mom! It was so random how we first met, but how did you become my mom?
Yong Chen: Still remember the first time when I saw you on facebook.
Kimberly Te: Jenn!! my dear, I just realized that I haven't know you for too long. But that doesn't matter, you crazy dancer! I adore how you're always willing to shake your ass at any minute :D Ohh yeaaa, baby! Take me to a club with you, please! Hehe! Don't forget JY, too! We will be small fishes again but it's alright, we can be piranhas! chomp chomp!
Jay Sun: Jenn, I'll miss you, your laughter, your horny but sassy jokes, just kidding! Don't kick my ass for that! You know we love you! Don't worry too much bout Andy, I'll take care of him for ya, (;
Vanessa Lam: It was suck a sacrifice for you to transfer to Lincoln during your senior year but I'm glad you did because we got closer! :]
Tanith Quintanilla: You just have this energy and you seem to always be hyper. especially at prom lol but tahts a good thing, live life big and enjoy it while you can.
Cathy Duong: I appreciate everything you've done for me and how cool you've been about everything. There were numerous times I just wanted to give you a big hug because you were so darned nice xP
Reinardus Ongawan: Well homie, you've been a really nice friend to me, I noticed you never get mad when I amd fun of you, but sometimes I joke around too far... Sadly, I am not going to see you anymore in college. A girl like you is one of a kind, you're one of my friend that I trust during my high school year other than my niggah Anthony Lu.
Maggie Quan: Thanks for making my year! I'll never forget prom to you giving me nutella :p you are the sweetest girl in the world! Don't ever change & don't ever give up!
Phong Hong: Hey Jen, I've known you for like 10 years now, but I didn't know you came to this school until senior year.
Anthony Li: I wish we could have got to know each other better.
Ashley Wu: Hmm, somewhat more than 4 years =). It's weird how we sort of met. Sorry if you thought i was a stalker or so but hehe now we're married! Woo! =)
Nikki Pagaduan: Keep being a lovable and strong character.
Barbara Paulson: You are a sparkly-eyed, inquisitive, pleasant soul who makes teaching a joy.
Brian Thong: I remember how we met, especially you! So how is your hand? Hehe
Waverly Chin: I ♥ U SA! =) heart heart you're awesome! Keep dancing and good luck in college! =) :3
Andy Le: I love how there's so much fun and spirit packed into you. You are an awesome friend adn I still remember how you backed me up and stayed w/ me at my 1st birthday at Citywalk!
Xiaomin Liu: Imma so miss you when your gone! especially your pretty faceee!
Andy Hu: I know how hard you work, even with seniorits. But make something of yourself. We're all graduating and no one is anything yet. I want to see you be great out there. You're great now, but you have a lot of potential. Oh and keep dancing and grooving. you wild dancer.
Jia Ying Wu: Jenn Jenn, my Korean BBG partner, Babe I am going to miss you a lot, we didn't know each other for a long time but I feel very close to you. I'm going to miss all those things we did together during the short time we spend together, going to places out of no where.
Judy Wong: Man, J3 wasn't the same without you. It seems like we've drifted apart but even if its been years since we've been together, we will still be "3 peas in a pod". Three girls who will never part even when distance is in our way.
Lucy Herrera: omg we are graduating already! no more high school =(
Olga Hernandez: To Jenny... "Yenney" lol I made you a "chola" even though I'm one of the most non-mexican hispanic lol! You're very sweet and it was fun having you for our AP class! I shall miss you and good luck at P.C.C and do great things with your life! I know you'll be amazing.
Huc La: The time we had in Lincoln seem to come and go in a blink.
Ken Chhan: Truly, it was a pleasure knowing you. i still have that pass to Andy, from my birthday, which I have yet to use. I demand a day w/ Andy for each time he comes visit LA =>. We're going to make hot AndyKen Babies =)
Carlos Machuca: I love the fact you are so spirited in w/e ou so, you're funny, very smart, and kind. I love how you were always able to make me smile when I saw you or when we talked =) I'm sad to know you won't be around so much next year, but I'm also excited that you are going to tart you're life because I know you'll totally kick ass in what ever you decide to do.
Brian Martinez: Needless to say, I really enjoyed picking on you. So aside form giving you birth to a squid teasing you and Andy, it was really fun. See you later in life, if I feel like it :p
Vincent Ho:

Trinh Ortega: In the short amount of time we're known you, you have been a wonderful part of our lives and have been such a joy to us. YOU'RE CRAZY! But in a good way. From your endless dancing, eating, napping, and going all over LA and beyond! You always make us laugh & cry (sometimes) j/k.
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