Today Priscilla and I went to Downtown Fashion District to continue shopping for AX! ZOMG AX is only 8 days away! I swear the year went by so fast! Amazingly my cosplays this year isn't so complicated (:
Check list:
Odin Sphere: Mercedes 50% complete
[x] body suit
[x] wig
[x] shoes
[x] red contacts
[-] prop
[-] wings
[x] fabric (green/white)
left to do:
finish body suit
make wings
make leaves out of craft foam
Disgaea: Flonne 95% Complete
[x] wig
[x] blue contacts
[x] shoes
[x] headband
[x] ribbons (blue)
[x] fabric (white)
left to do:
Pokemon: Dawn 80% Complete
[x] Piplup
[] shoes
[x] hat
[x] wig (maybe just spray hair blue?)
[x] fabric (pink/white/black)
left to do:
buy shoes
make hair clips
Vocaloid: Rin -- Magnet White ?? % Complete
[x] dress (yes an excuse to rewear prom dress!)
[x] wig
[] earphones
left to do:
decide on cutting up bridal yuna or reuse prom dress
make new headband
DDR: Emi 100% Complete