Got out of bed about 9am and texted Lisa to see if she left yet. On the way out Lily calls and I went out to buy a poster & food. After all that i walked to the bus, got on the train, and arrived at the Verizon store in Koreatown. The line wasn't so bad once I got there to meet up with Lily, and since we both got wrist bands to see the Wonder Girls & Honor Society, we asked the guy next to us to save our spots and waited in line for HS. The contest they had for VIP passes were halarious! But since Lily and I were already near the front we didn't really care. We were like.. well since we have the wristband might as well go. After we went in and got their autographs, Lily and I ran back to where we were to wait for the Wonder Girls! As we were sitting around, I was texting Priscilla, and it turned out that she was able to come! So then I ran to ask if I can get another wrist band, and all I could get her was the 'not guarenteed' to see wonder girls wristbadn :[ So then I met up with her for a while, gave her her wristband, then headed to Jamba Juice with Lisa. One cause I was craving, two, i really had to pee! Then we went back in line and just sat around waiting.
Eventually, the lines started moving, and the crowd was going crazy! omg my friends and I were screaming our lungs out! Then we watched the dance battle, and Priscilla and I found Alan! So because he just happen to be standing in the line by accident during the dance battle and we met up with him, when he left, we ended up staying so yeaaa :P Then Lisa, Lily, and Locyen [i just realized they all started with the letter L] then i went back to ask the girl we were in line with to borrow her VIP pass for Priscilla, and yay she let us! Then Pri had the idea of asking Viet for his wristband since he already had the VIP pass. Woot woot! He let us! Thanks Viet! Soon enough we finally got to meet the Wonder Girls! They are sooo pretty! After Jenny (Alan's Friend) asked Priscilla and I to run down the line and tell the fans to scream for the Wonder Girls cause Jenny was filming a video for allkpop. Dang they were not ery exciting! But the front was! After that fun, we headed back to the front of the store just to stay in the shade. FINALLY they were forming the line to take pictures of the Wonder Girls! Dang it was crowded! After the whole event, Priscilla, Alan, Jenny, and I got ballons! They're so huge! It was like UP! :D

Soon we were all headed to the Korean BBQ Festival, dang it was a long walk! But we made a pit stop to take sticky pictures! On the way there this guy asked for a ballon and said it was this girls birthday and we were like ok but in our minds we were like "They probably just wanted the ballon" So then we went to take our sticky pictures! haha I love it! When we left, these people came up to us and gave us cake, and we were like "uhhh wtf" and it turned out that it was the people who we gave the ballon to! We were like .. wow free cake. Alan and his ninja eating skills! WE KNOW YOUR SECRET NOW! Finally we made it to the festival! But it was hot and crowded and the lines were long so we decided to leave. We ended up eating at the new Korean Market Center. It looks so pretty in there! And the food was delicious! Not to mention I learned a new fact bout chop sticks x.x

After we ate, we started heading back to the Verizon store so Priscilla could get picked up, but her Grandpa just picked her up like.. 3 block away from it since we were already walking and they didn't feel like waiting. We said our goodbyes and Jenny, Alan, and I headed to the metro train station. Hah it was funny how Jenny was so amazed! Eventually the train came, and Jenny & Alan got off. We said our bye bye's and hopefully we'll see each other sometime soon! Or next year for Jenny :[ I soon got off the train and walked to my bus stop. And guess who I bumped into there? Emily Tcheng! Turns out she was just going to buy fabric for her gathering at the Nesei Week festival. My bus didn't take long to come. So I got home around 8 :)
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