Completed Summer Goals:
- Anime Expo
- Disneyland
- Beach and Bonfire
- LHTP (work)
In Progress:
- dance [performance Aug15]
- cues with wifeyy [Aug26]
- go on date with sexii ;D [rescheduled]
Needs To Be Done:
- permit
- go on a date to remember with a special boy (:
- go on a date with Michelle
- hang out with Jamie&Judy
- visit Stacy Lee :D
- hang out with the awesome gay Marvin Lee :D
- go on a adventure
- guppy's!
- canyon cruising
- six flags
- summer school
So i didn't end up sleeping until 7am & waking up at 1 in the afternoon ._. I woke up to a phone call from Kyle, he came to pick up my staff to fix!
After that I ended up just staying up and getting ready to head out. I left the house about 2 and since wifeyy didn't text back i just went to run errands around Chinatown.
1) Drop off mail
2) Library to return & borrow books&movies.
3) Post Office to send a package
4) Union Station to get a bus pass
5) Wifeyy's house to get dress fixed
Oh man it was alot of walking but it was a nice walk :]. After all that was done, Van and I headed over to YUCA. I had fun actually, alot of smiling faces and hugs :D At this meeting we discuss the cancelation & reason for the car wash, introduced the IP commitee, & took sign up's for the beach clean up. About 6:45, before the mixer games, I left to go meet up with PKC :] and what do you know? The bus came right when I got there! Good timing!
Eww while walking to meet up PKC at the arcade, alot of sick old mexicans were whistling and saying all these things to me. Finally I arrived at the arcade and attacked hug everyone, except Leon cause he was playing DDR. Eventually, we started walking over to Wellers Court to meet up with Mike & his girlfriend Ashely. YUM! Curry House! Delicious! Priscilla didn't finish her food again, but we made this deal where if I eat her rice she'll eat all my veggies! Oh yea and Priscilla forgot to lock her car. She was lucky i felt nice to go lock it for her! NOT TO MENTION REALIZE THAT SHE DIDN'T BRING HER LICENSE! X.X HAHA oh man i tapped Leon to tell him something and he jumped! Oh man that made me choke! haha what a wonderful dinner! We finished about 8ish and just hung out outside. Then we walked downstairs to the market, and Rex walked into a glass sliding door! HAH we all walked in cracking up! After my little shipping there, we all said our goodbyes *heartbreaks
As we all went our seperate ways, I got into the car with Priscilla, and oh man were we lucky that we arrived at my house without getting caught! So before I got out of the car I gave Priscilla directions hoping she wouldn't get lost, but guess what? She did! Time to get her a GPS
Above all, great day! :D
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