Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
so i went over to Tang's Driving School to get an application form thinking that the line at the DMV was long. After sucking up to her and speaking chu chow, I walked over to Kelly's and her uncle drove us to the DMV, damn it was hot out! When I finally got to the front desk, they told me I needed my ORIGINAL birth certificate. NOOOOOOO! So I waited with Kelly till she went to take her test. I went outside to wait for Justin, and i saw a sign that said 'written test are not given out after 4:30pm'. I looked at the time and it was almost 3 x.x Then Justin [thanks!] came to pick me up. On the way home, Kelly calls and said that she missed NONE! I was nervous after that. When I got home, I checked the mail and my PS1 memory card and Odin Sphere came in the mail! Finally I found my birth certificate, and Justin wanted to kill me on the way back =.=. Anyways, line wasn't that bad when I got back it was bout 3:15 and there wasn't an outdoor line so whew. While we were sitting around waiting, Kelly and I saw theses asian guys with the blonde hair. Damn they were pretty cute! Until we got closer.. >.> So finally it was my turn! The lady drew alot of smiley faces on my paper. And ZOMG picture! I don't like it but Kelly likes it. FIANLLY. TESTING TIME! I WAS CONFIDANT! As I watched the lady score my test, I got nervous cause i missed a few in the beginning, after she was done.. I PASSSED! i missed only 8 :)
So after kelly and i just walked till we went our seperate ways. I went to meet up with Rei at MCD. Then we went to drop off food for wifeyy. Went to rite aid to get change. Dashed it to Little Tokyo. Totally owned Rei in MTM. Ok ok we're even 2 to 2. After we just walked around and went home. Yup that was my awesome day! Oh yea and I feel alot better now! :D
so i went over to Tang's Driving School to get an application form thinking that the line at the DMV was long. After sucking up to her and speaking chu chow, I walked over to Kelly's and her uncle drove us to the DMV, damn it was hot out! When I finally got to the front desk, they told me I needed my ORIGINAL birth certificate. NOOOOOOO! So I waited with Kelly till she went to take her test. I went outside to wait for Justin, and i saw a sign that said 'written test are not given out after 4:30pm'. I looked at the time and it was almost 3 x.x Then Justin [thanks!] came to pick me up. On the way home, Kelly calls and said that she missed NONE! I was nervous after that. When I got home, I checked the mail and my PS1 memory card and Odin Sphere came in the mail! Finally I found my birth certificate, and Justin wanted to kill me on the way back =.=. Anyways, line wasn't that bad when I got back it was bout 3:15 and there wasn't an outdoor line so whew. While we were sitting around waiting, Kelly and I saw theses asian guys with the blonde hair. Damn they were pretty cute! Until we got closer.. >.> So finally it was my turn! The lady drew alot of smiley faces on my paper. And ZOMG picture! I don't like it but Kelly likes it. FIANLLY. TESTING TIME! I WAS CONFIDANT! As I watched the lady score my test, I got nervous cause i missed a few in the beginning, after she was done.. I PASSSED! i missed only 8 :)
So after kelly and i just walked till we went our seperate ways. I went to meet up with Rei at MCD. Then we went to drop off food for wifeyy. Went to rite aid to get change. Dashed it to Little Tokyo. Totally owned Rei in MTM. Ok ok we're even 2 to 2. After we just walked around and went home. Yup that was my awesome day! Oh yea and I feel alot better now! :D
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Meteor Showers
So I was just sitting around on my computer, minding my own business, then suddenly Ken Vien IMed me asking me if I wanted to go up to ACH [Angeles Crestt], me thinking he meant some other day, but then he say's in about an hour! And I'm all loooking at the time and it's 11pm. Thinking bout what my dad would say, I went to go ask and he surprisingly said yes! So I went to get dressed and Jamin picked me up.
First we went to get some Jack-In-The-Box. Mhmm free taco's! Then we headed out to Lincoln to get some gas and wait for Ken & Phoebe. After refilling on gas, putting air into his tires and eating our food, Ken&Phoebe inally arrived and we headed off !
Lol so on the way, I started playing my iPod and Jamin goes 'I suddendly feel girly listening to your music' hah! It was cause I was playing 2NE1, Wonder Girls, etc. As we got to Pasadena, Jamin felt lost, but we found our way! Finally we reached the bottom of the mountains and the canyon cruising began! Man I hate people who drive in the middle lane of passing lanes! Eventually we finally reacheached Mt. Wilson, the radio towers / top of the mountains. Ahh it was sooo relaxing! The view of LA was beautiful! It was like undescribable to what I saw! And I saw a shooting star! Then the meteors began to shot! It felt so nice just sitting there, looking at the city lights and the stars. Man I wish i could do that often. So then i suddenly had to really pee, so Jamin drove me to the bottom of Mt.Wilson to use the bathroom, it find nice since he put the top of his hood down [convertable]. So then on the way back we had a talk bout the past and how they changed. It continued till we got back to where Ken & Phoebe were. We all laid around just watching the meteor showers. Then about 2am, we started cleaning up and headed back down the mountains.
As we reached the freeway, freaken Jamin & Ken man, no comment. So the song SNSD - Gee played and Jamin and I were just singing and dancing the whole way back to my house! Hah it was so fun! As we got to my house we said bye and all that what now, then freaken Jamin screams out my name and points to the sky, ZOMG it was a hugeeeee meteor! It was sooo pretty, atleast I got to see another big one before I went back inside the house. And atleast I didn't get i trouble! :D
First we went to get some Jack-In-The-Box. Mhmm free taco's! Then we headed out to Lincoln to get some gas and wait for Ken & Phoebe. After refilling on gas, putting air into his tires and eating our food, Ken&Phoebe inally arrived and we headed off !
Lol so on the way, I started playing my iPod and Jamin goes 'I suddendly feel girly listening to your music' hah! It was cause I was playing 2NE1, Wonder Girls, etc. As we got to Pasadena, Jamin felt lost, but we found our way! Finally we reached the bottom of the mountains and the canyon cruising began! Man I hate people who drive in the middle lane of passing lanes! Eventually we finally reacheached Mt. Wilson, the radio towers / top of the mountains. Ahh it was sooo relaxing! The view of LA was beautiful! It was like undescribable to what I saw! And I saw a shooting star! Then the meteors began to shot! It felt so nice just sitting there, looking at the city lights and the stars. Man I wish i could do that often. So then i suddenly had to really pee, so Jamin drove me to the bottom of Mt.Wilson to use the bathroom, it find nice since he put the top of his hood down [convertable]. So then on the way back we had a talk bout the past and how they changed. It continued till we got back to where Ken & Phoebe were. We all laid around just watching the meteor showers. Then about 2am, we started cleaning up and headed back down the mountains.
As we reached the freeway, freaken Jamin & Ken man, no comment. So the song SNSD - Gee played and Jamin and I were just singing and dancing the whole way back to my house! Hah it was so fun! As we got to my house we said bye and all that what now, then freaken Jamin screams out my name and points to the sky, ZOMG it was a hugeeeee meteor! It was sooo pretty, atleast I got to see another big one before I went back inside the house. And atleast I didn't get i trouble! :D
Monday, August 10, 2009
Under Pressure
Maybe if I didn't care bout how i looked during the time, I would have stayed how i looked before without needing makeup and all that what not. Maybe now it's just the fact that I'm growing up and wanting to look like those girls that I start getting into make-up and all that what not. Sometimes I ask my guy friends what they notice bout a girl first, and they answer their face. But then they say they don't like girls with makeup, yet every girl they meet wears make-up. What if those girls who wear make-up everyday didnt wear make-up? Would you still like them? So what if they aren't that pretty or their skin is too tanned or too light. What happen to the whole "I don't go for looks, I go for personality " ? I guess looks really do matter huh? Well sorry I can't look like this cause I don't spend hours on make-up, dye my hair, dress this nice, or have perfect skin like this.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
So I was suppose to get up at 8 to get to practice by 9, but that didn't happened. I ended up waking up at 9 x.x
So on he way to practice, my dad was just nagging at me again as usually, so I went to practice already pissed off & cranky. As time went by, I got more and more frustrated. I tried to hold back, then I snapped and ended up running to the bathroom crying. Arg not my day.
So on he way to practice, my dad was just nagging at me again as usually, so I went to practice already pissed off & cranky. As time went by, I got more and more frustrated. I tried to hold back, then I snapped and ended up running to the bathroom crying. Arg not my day.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Wonder Girls
Got out of bed about 9am and texted Lisa to see if she left yet. On the way out Lily calls and I went out to buy a poster & food. After all that i walked to the bus, got on the train, and arrived at the Verizon store in Koreatown. The line wasn't so bad once I got there to meet up with Lily, and since we both got wrist bands to see the Wonder Girls & Honor Society, we asked the guy next to us to save our spots and waited in line for HS. The contest they had for VIP passes were halarious! But since Lily and I were already near the front we didn't really care. We were like.. well since we have the wristband might as well go. After we went in and got their autographs, Lily and I ran back to where we were to wait for the Wonder Girls! As we were sitting around, I was texting Priscilla, and it turned out that she was able to come! So then I ran to ask if I can get another wrist band, and all I could get her was the 'not guarenteed' to see wonder girls wristbadn :[ So then I met up with her for a while, gave her her wristband, then headed to Jamba Juice with Lisa. One cause I was craving, two, i really had to pee! Then we went back in line and just sat around waiting.
Eventually, the lines started moving, and the crowd was going crazy! omg my friends and I were screaming our lungs out! Then we watched the dance battle, and Priscilla and I found Alan! So because he just happen to be standing in the line by accident during the dance battle and we met up with him, when he left, we ended up staying so yeaaa :P Then Lisa, Lily, and Locyen [i just realized they all started with the letter L] then i went back to ask the girl we were in line with to borrow her VIP pass for Priscilla, and yay she let us! Then Pri had the idea of asking Viet for his wristband since he already had the VIP pass. Woot woot! He let us! Thanks Viet! Soon enough we finally got to meet the Wonder Girls! They are sooo pretty! After Jenny (Alan's Friend) asked Priscilla and I to run down the line and tell the fans to scream for the Wonder Girls cause Jenny was filming a video for allkpop. Dang they were not ery exciting! But the front was! After that fun, we headed back to the front of the store just to stay in the shade. FINALLY they were forming the line to take pictures of the Wonder Girls! Dang it was crowded! After the whole event, Priscilla, Alan, Jenny, and I got ballons! They're so huge! It was like UP! :D
Soon we were all headed to the Korean BBQ Festival, dang it was a long walk! But we made a pit stop to take sticky pictures! On the way there this guy asked for a ballon and said it was this girls birthday and we were like ok but in our minds we were like "They probably just wanted the ballon" So then we went to take our sticky pictures! haha I love it! When we left, these people came up to us and gave us cake, and we were like "uhhh wtf" and it turned out that it was the people who we gave the ballon to! We were like .. wow free cake. Alan and his ninja eating skills! WE KNOW YOUR SECRET NOW! Finally we made it to the festival! But it was hot and crowded and the lines were long so we decided to leave. We ended up eating at the new Korean Market Center. It looks so pretty in there! And the food was delicious! Not to mention I learned a new fact bout chop sticks x.x
After we ate, we started heading back to the Verizon store so Priscilla could get picked up, but her Grandpa just picked her up like.. 3 block away from it since we were already walking and they didn't feel like waiting. We said our goodbyes and Jenny, Alan, and I headed to the metro train station. Hah it was funny how Jenny was so amazed! Eventually the train came, and Jenny & Alan got off. We said our bye bye's and hopefully we'll see each other sometime soon! Or next year for Jenny :[ I soon got off the train and walked to my bus stop. And guess who I bumped into there? Emily Tcheng! Turns out she was just going to buy fabric for her gathering at the Nesei Week festival. My bus didn't take long to come. So I got home around 8 :)
Eventually, the lines started moving, and the crowd was going crazy! omg my friends and I were screaming our lungs out! Then we watched the dance battle, and Priscilla and I found Alan! So because he just happen to be standing in the line by accident during the dance battle and we met up with him, when he left, we ended up staying so yeaaa :P Then Lisa, Lily, and Locyen [i just realized they all started with the letter L] then i went back to ask the girl we were in line with to borrow her VIP pass for Priscilla, and yay she let us! Then Pri had the idea of asking Viet for his wristband since he already had the VIP pass. Woot woot! He let us! Thanks Viet! Soon enough we finally got to meet the Wonder Girls! They are sooo pretty! After Jenny (Alan's Friend) asked Priscilla and I to run down the line and tell the fans to scream for the Wonder Girls cause Jenny was filming a video for allkpop. Dang they were not ery exciting! But the front was! After that fun, we headed back to the front of the store just to stay in the shade. FINALLY they were forming the line to take pictures of the Wonder Girls! Dang it was crowded! After the whole event, Priscilla, Alan, Jenny, and I got ballons! They're so huge! It was like UP! :D

PKC Dinner :)
Completed Summer Goals:
- Anime Expo
- Disneyland
- Beach and Bonfire
- LHTP (work)
In Progress:
- dance [performance Aug15]
- cues with wifeyy [Aug26]
- go on date with sexii ;D [rescheduled]
Needs To Be Done:
- permit
- go on a date to remember with a special boy (:
- go on a date with Michelle
- hang out with Jamie&Judy
- visit Stacy Lee :D
- hang out with the awesome gay Marvin Lee :D
- go on a adventure
- guppy's!
- canyon cruising
- six flags
- summer school
So i didn't end up sleeping until 7am & waking up at 1 in the afternoon ._. I woke up to a phone call from Kyle, he came to pick up my staff to fix!
After that I ended up just staying up and getting ready to head out. I left the house about 2 and since wifeyy didn't text back i just went to run errands around Chinatown.
1) Drop off mail
2) Library to return & borrow books&movies.
3) Post Office to send a package
4) Union Station to get a bus pass
5) Wifeyy's house to get dress fixed
Oh man it was alot of walking but it was a nice walk :]. After all that was done, Van and I headed over to YUCA. I had fun actually, alot of smiling faces and hugs :D At this meeting we discuss the cancelation & reason for the car wash, introduced the IP commitee, & took sign up's for the beach clean up. About 6:45, before the mixer games, I left to go meet up with PKC :] and what do you know? The bus came right when I got there! Good timing!
Eww while walking to meet up PKC at the arcade, alot of sick old mexicans were whistling and saying all these things to me. Finally I arrived at the arcade and attacked hug everyone, except Leon cause he was playing DDR. Eventually, we started walking over to Wellers Court to meet up with Mike & his girlfriend Ashely. YUM! Curry House! Delicious! Priscilla didn't finish her food again, but we made this deal where if I eat her rice she'll eat all my veggies! Oh yea and Priscilla forgot to lock her car. She was lucky i felt nice to go lock it for her! NOT TO MENTION REALIZE THAT SHE DIDN'T BRING HER LICENSE! X.X HAHA oh man i tapped Leon to tell him something and he jumped! Oh man that made me choke! haha what a wonderful dinner! We finished about 8ish and just hung out outside. Then we walked downstairs to the market, and Rex walked into a glass sliding door! HAH we all walked in cracking up! After my little shipping there, we all said our goodbyes *heartbreaks
As we all went our seperate ways, I got into the car with Priscilla, and oh man were we lucky that we arrived at my house without getting caught! So before I got out of the car I gave Priscilla directions hoping she wouldn't get lost, but guess what? She did! Time to get her a GPS
Above all, great day! :D
Completed Summer Goals:
- Anime Expo
- Disneyland
- Beach and Bonfire
- LHTP (work)
In Progress:
- dance [performance Aug15]
- cues with wifeyy [Aug26]
- go on date with sexii ;D [rescheduled]
Needs To Be Done:
- permit
- go on a date to remember with a special boy (:
- go on a date with Michelle
- hang out with Jamie&Judy
- visit Stacy Lee :D
- hang out with the awesome gay Marvin Lee :D
- go on a adventure
- guppy's!
- canyon cruising
- six flags
- summer school
So i didn't end up sleeping until 7am & waking up at 1 in the afternoon ._. I woke up to a phone call from Kyle, he came to pick up my staff to fix!
After that I ended up just staying up and getting ready to head out. I left the house about 2 and since wifeyy didn't text back i just went to run errands around Chinatown.
1) Drop off mail
2) Library to return & borrow books&movies.
3) Post Office to send a package
4) Union Station to get a bus pass
5) Wifeyy's house to get dress fixed
Oh man it was alot of walking but it was a nice walk :]. After all that was done, Van and I headed over to YUCA. I had fun actually, alot of smiling faces and hugs :D At this meeting we discuss the cancelation & reason for the car wash, introduced the IP commitee, & took sign up's for the beach clean up. About 6:45, before the mixer games, I left to go meet up with PKC :] and what do you know? The bus came right when I got there! Good timing!
Eww while walking to meet up PKC at the arcade, alot of sick old mexicans were whistling and saying all these things to me. Finally I arrived at the arcade and attacked hug everyone, except Leon cause he was playing DDR. Eventually, we started walking over to Wellers Court to meet up with Mike & his girlfriend Ashely. YUM! Curry House! Delicious! Priscilla didn't finish her food again, but we made this deal where if I eat her rice she'll eat all my veggies! Oh yea and Priscilla forgot to lock her car. She was lucky i felt nice to go lock it for her! NOT TO MENTION REALIZE THAT SHE DIDN'T BRING HER LICENSE! X.X HAHA oh man i tapped Leon to tell him something and he jumped! Oh man that made me choke! haha what a wonderful dinner! We finished about 8ish and just hung out outside. Then we walked downstairs to the market, and Rex walked into a glass sliding door! HAH we all walked in cracking up! After my little shipping there, we all said our goodbyes *heartbreaks
As we all went our seperate ways, I got into the car with Priscilla, and oh man were we lucky that we arrived at my house without getting caught! So before I got out of the car I gave Priscilla directions hoping she wouldn't get lost, but guess what? She did! Time to get her a GPS
Above all, great day! :D
Thursday, August 6, 2009
past is past

I guess i finally decided to let go of what's already been done. The past can not be fixed. Whats done is done, and if they aren't in my life now, why should I even try anymore? Some get fixed but ends up in arguments again. It goes from close bonds to silence.. I guess the whole "If your not a part of my present your not a part of my future" is a possibility of whats already done. i don't know if i really have the strength to even try anymore. Maybe if I just continue to be carefree, things may change in the future. But for now.. it's good bye to those who are no longer a part of my present.. I'll just move on with life and wait to see what the future holds for me. Dear future, give me your best shot. I'm ready to face the obstacles you have in store for me.
it's time for change
ohh wifeyy <3
of course you know what i'm doing! xD
bleh i havent really slept for the past few days either, but i'm, getting a little still?
hah you worry too much but i love you for caring :)
see your cute face friday x3
bleh i havent really slept for the past few days either, but i'm, getting a little still?
hah you worry too much but i love you for caring :)
see your cute face friday x3
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
To my stalker wifeyy
i do not depend on others.
i just take others advice as options to what i want to do
you know i like being independent :)
yes dear wifeyy you are a stalker x3
don't worry too much i think i know what i want to do :)
i love you & you better come back by friday x3
i just take others advice as options to what i want to do
you know i like being independent :)
yes dear wifeyy you are a stalker x3
don't worry too much i think i know what i want to do :)
i love you & you better come back by friday x3
& here we go again..
looking through pictures and breaking down again. i really don't know how i continue to just keep everything in everyday. it's like i want to just break down and scream but i just hold it in because i thought it'd help me be strong. apparently not.. i honestly don't know what i want in life. do i miss you? or do i just miss being with everyone? do i miss being with someone? or do i just miss the feeling? do i miss having someone who will always be there 24/7 through my faults? or do i just miss you? am i jealous ? or do i just not like the thought of never getting that chance? sooo many things running through my mind. i just wanna go up to like the mountains or beach at night and scream my ass off. this who crying shit is just too uncontrollable. i don't even know why i just broke down out of the blues.. i'm pretty disappointed at myself.. so much mixed emotions. so much confusion.. i really don't know what i'm feeling.. i'm loosing myself..
maybe i'm better off letting go of her..
maybe i'm better off letting go of her..
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
soo far
Completed Summer Goals:
- Anime Expo
- Disneyland
- Beach and Bonfire
In Progress:
- LHTP (work) [ends Aug6]
- dance [performance Aug15]
- go on date with sexii ;D [Aug17]
- cues with wifeyy [Aug26]
Needs To Be Done:
- permit
- go on a date to remember with a special boy (:
- go on a date with Michelle
- hang out with Jamie&Judy
- visit Stacy Lee :D
- hang out with the awesome gay Marvin Lee :D
- go on a adventure
- guppy's!
- canyon cruising
- summer school
pretty sure there was more that i forgot
- Anime Expo
- Disneyland
- Beach and Bonfire
In Progress:
- LHTP (work) [ends Aug6]
- dance [performance Aug15]
- go on date with sexii ;D [Aug17]
- cues with wifeyy [Aug26]
Needs To Be Done:
- permit
- go on a date to remember with a special boy (:
- go on a date with Michelle
- hang out with Jamie&Judy
- visit Stacy Lee :D
- hang out with the awesome gay Marvin Lee :D
- go on a adventure
- guppy's!
- canyon cruising
- summer school
pretty sure there was more that i forgot
& i need the perfect getaway..
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