Roses in the Moon Light
Theme & Song: All My Life
-skipping school section-Theme & Song: All My Life
so once i got off the school bus, john picked me up and dropped me off at Sally's house. first she did my make up and she did my hair as well. OHH SOOO PRETTY! freaken ken said to be ready by 5 but they werent even done yet! could ahve took our time! so then sally walked me over to sian's house. eventually andy finally came and we went to pick up Phoebe and finally we left for prom! errr traffic! so andy's dad got frustrated so we ended up walking a block or 2 down to the omni hotel.
finally arriving, we waited around, took some pics, then lined up to enter. once we got in we just stood around, mingle, more pics, blah blha blahFINALLY THE DOORS OPENED! so we settled down on our tables. our table number was 37. ehh the appetizer looked.. ugly. BUT THE MAIN COURSE WAS DELICIOUS! that chicken was gooood!after they played slideshow. but it kept freezing so they ended up not showing it. after all that was the prom king & queens court thingy. after the crowning, they had their dance. man the song "all my life" is like following me everywhere for the past 3.5 weeks. rawrs~ anyways! after all that we had our toast! APPLE CIDER BABYY! and finally.. THE DANCEEEEEE!
dance ashely and i just ran our ass in there and started partying ;D after a while we took off our heels and started getting down! hah brian is a dork. sian is just a party animal. edward can handle! ken was alrady too tired to dance. anyways! damnn i tried to not go all crazy tonight cause i need my energy for SAT's the next morning! but yea after a while of dancing with brian i started dancing with edward then ashley and everyone else haha pshh fucken andy tried calling me out for a battle! kimmy too! hah i love that girl whew so like about 2 hrs later edward and i went out to get some water and a break. whewwww i was sweatinggg~ oh and he found an empty bottle of apple cider so we just drank away and share with bill&i forgot his dates name :x whew agter a long break, they finally started playing good music again so we ran back in . DAMNN edward can keep up with my speed and evergy! ahahaha i think we took another break like an hr or so later cause music got boring again. so wendy, edward, and i just sat around. and ashley came so we all just sat and chilled. they finally played the cha cha slide when we were talking bout it! LOL so we just ran in and started doing it! so from tehre on we just stayyed on teh dance floor and danced the rest of the night awayyy ~ man they should have ended with a slow slong instead of "celebrate".
so after it was all over, i went to get my bags from kimmy&cathy. then we went outside to wait for andy's dad. damn that took forever! andy pissed me off cause he wet me and it was already freezing cold out! he didn't even say sorry he just did it out of the blues. so i was pretty mad. edward and sian left before us. damn i should have asked them for a ride. finally andy's dad came and i got home about 2ish. once i got home i uploaded pics. jumped into the showers. AND THEN KNOCKED OUTTTT ~
i can't wait for my prom now :)
thanks john for the ride!
thanks sally for the hair and makeup!
thanks ken for inviting me to prom!
thanks edward for dancing with me majority of the time even though you were tired!
and even though you pissed me off, thanks andy for the ride
and everyone else that made it fun :)
congradtulation lincoln high school class of 2009!
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