everyone went to school in such a good moood :O
school was whatevers. but i'm pretty sure that a majority of the class bombed the math analysis test. T.T
so afterschool when i went to the magnet office to turn in my summer school application and get my transfer paper done.. this is how the convo went
Swanson: excuse me? transfer ? nu uh i'm not signing this! look at what she wants me to sign! should i sign this? *talks to other counsler and english teacher*
*gives me a look
-has no idea what they are talking about-
*swanson signs paper* and says fine leave us go ahead whatevers!
and that took 10 mins of an argument to sign a paper.. =.=
when i got off the bus i met up with Andy and he went to Dino's with me cause i was suppose to meet up with Van. I got a yummy tuna sandwich :D so then van finally came then we headed to the dash bus stop. got to chinatown. walked around. bought random shit for my cell xD and dana. its so cute! went to get boba. went back to lincoln to dana's house. chilled. talked. good day to just sit outside and talk :] vaan left. dana walked me to the bus stop. AND A CAR ALMOST HIT ME! i just stood there after i gasped and dana pushed me >< my life would have been :O THANKS DANA <33
after i got home. sat around. was going to nap then we went on stickam as usual. then i started making flowerssss :)
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