School has been pretty rough on my lately. Now I am actually doing my work,attending class, and loosing sleep because I want to get my work done. My dance history class hasn't caught my attention yet cause we've been pretty much reading and watching videos. Political Science is pretty fun! I really like my teacher! He makes class interesting! He totally messed with my head when midterms came around! I stayed up all night trying to make my study guide very useful because we get to use it during the midterm and right when we got the test.. I had to face palm because our answers and questions were the exact same as the ones in our study guide! Except mixed! Asian American Sociology is pretty fun but sometimes I wish I knew what to study for.. I'm guessing its just our readings? Oh my gosh.. Math134A. She freaken gives us so much work! I swear this class takes up like 70% of my homework time! Maybe 80%! I don't really like the way she teaches.. I feel like I'm learning this more on my own. I can probably pass this class without even going to class!
YUCA Dance.. We're pretty much done with all of our main performances. Now we're just going to work with re-teaching people for traditional and adjusting the formations and people because the LHTP Anniversary dinner just happen to land on the same night as Prom which knocks out a bunch of our seniors.
Friends. Pretty much I'm either with Judy, Cathy, or Kelly. I have no life but these losers! No I'm just kidding! I love our random adventures! Recently, we threw a surprise birthday party for Cathy at her dorm! Then we took her to Six Flags that weekend (:
Money. Oh my gosh why must money always be an issue :( Even if I don't eat out as often or don't buy random shit.. I always end up not having enough money.. Maybe cause of gas and little things add up.. *sighh I really wish I have a job.. I really hope Dennis gives me that job. I mean I love Underworld and all but.. I need more pay! I feel that working with my mom will give me a good income.. but at the same time I feel like I'm still getting money off of my parent.
Rain rain go away pleaseeeee!
Boyfriendddddd. Fuck you. No I'm just kidding! Well.. we've fought a lot these past 1.5 months. It was pretty o.o But we got through it. There were times that I thought that we would split but sometimes.. you gotta take that extra step out of the box to make things work. He's stubborn and so am I. We drive each other crazy and piss each other off. Sometimes even during the worst part of our lives, like finals. Sometimes I make mistakes and he'd ignore me for days or vice versa. In all honesty, he just has a strange way of showing that he cares and I'm just a crazy girl that would drive all the way to Riverside and wait for who knows how long just to try to make things work. Like I said.. that extra step out of the box. I mean.. I know we just started going out and all but he's someone who would fight back for me. Someone who wants to stay with me and make things right. Someone who can't stand to see me unhappy and would do anything to make me happy. Sometimes I am lost with words when it comes to him. In a good way! Everyone told me that he isn't worth my time because of the countless fights we had but everyone should know that I'm the type of girl who wouldn't give up. And when I do.. it takes me to have to walk away for people to realize things.. Trust guys, I haven't given up on this asshole yet (:
Family.. I guess things are slowly falling together.. Molina is slowly bringing her grades up and understanding how life works since she's going through the high school phase. Salina is just freakishly loving with me! EWW just kidding. Aileen.. ehh she's just there lol jk. Dad hasn't been all bitchy moody. And mom is just her usual self.
College and high school friends.. It still hasn't hit me that a bunch of these kiddos are going into college! Some getting into their dream school and some dreams getting crushed.. I'm proud of those who got into where they want to! And to those who didn't.. hey I was in your shoes once. I was one of those kids who got rejected to every college except for CSUN. I knew that even though I thought I worked hard.. I didn't work hard enough back in high school. I gave up on myself because I felt that I wasn't good enough. I lost my motivation ever since all those family deaths and the things I had to go through. I felt that the only time I actually enjoyed high school was my senior year. In all honesty.. you shouldn't let anyone put you down because you go to a community college. I understand that going to a cc, everyone looks down at you because they think you're not smart. Well guess what? They're wrong! Just because they got into a school with a good name doesn't mean you can't do it either! You can still do it! Set your minds to what you want in life! I know that it's hard but trust me, you'll be fine (: Do what you love and enjoy it. Thats where success comes from.
Other then that.. life's good (:
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