Went to visit Eugene at his foster parents house. I got to meet Elaine first, his foster mom. She is so cute and talkative! We just kept going on and on with making fun of Eugene! Later Eugene and I went for a walk around the lake. THE LAKE IS HIS FREAKEN BACKYARD O.O. It's a private late that is meant for residents only. There were so many ducks and turtles! It took us a whole hour or more to finish walking the whole lake because it was so huge! After we came back and went to get In-N-Out. Babe busted out some old school music and we were both just dancing in the car. Hah he's so adorable when he's in his happy mode. Came back, ate, then Ellen and Chloe came over. They're so fun to be with! Just cause we all picked on Eugene HEH. Babe and I ended up watching Toy Story 3. My laptop started to over heat so we had to turn it off. Dave, his foster dad, came home so we got to sit and talk for a bit. Then a bunch of Eugene's friends came over and we all had dinner. OMG THE CHICKEN POT PIE THAT ELAINE MADE WAS BOMBBBB I WANT MORE! Afterwards, we went to get boba at Bounce. Babe was sleepy so he ended up sleeping on the way there, at the place, and on the way back.
Wednesday, March 23
Arg it wasn't really a good day. Until I got the best phone call from babe! He sounded like he was mad at me and didn't want to talk to me at first.. then suddenly he asked me what I was doing tomorrow and I said nothing..AND THENNNNNNNN HE ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO GO TO DISNEYLAND! OH MY GAHHHHHHH :DDDDD I WAS IN THE BEST MOOOD EVER! He asked if he could spend the night so that it would be easier for us to just go in the morning but I had to ask my dad. Surprisingly, my dad let O.O So babe came over and nagged at me to do homework while he played Pokemon! =.= Thanks..
Thursday, March 24
DISNEYLAND! Okay this was a really long day so I'm going to try to make it short! Went to eat breakfast at Ihop. Got to disneyland. Got our world of colors ticket. Went back over to Disneyland. Walked around, went on It's a small world, the boat ride around the lake, the haunted mansion, the winnie the pooh ride, the pirates of the caribbeans, then we decided to head over to california adventures. So before we left, I found Donald Duck and Goofy and I really wanted to take a picture with them! When I got to them, Donald gave me a kiss on the hand, so now babe wants to kill him! LOL We got to California Adventures and went on Mickey's Fun Wheel! I was scared shitless! We ended up going back to Disneyland to use our fastpass for Space Mountain then we went to have dinner at Blue Bayou (the restaurant inside the pirates of the caribbean ride) OMG THE PRICE WAS O.O but the food was soooooo gooood! After we just walked around because we were so bloated! It started to get cold so I went to buy a sweater. We went to line up for California Screaming and luckily we made it there before they closed the line! After the ride, we went to wait for World of Colors. We didn't get to see it from the center but babe still enjoyed it (: I swear I can never get over that show! The fireworks at Disneyland went off earlier then it was suppose to so babe and I ran over but we found out that if we left California Adventures we wouldn't be able to get back in so we went to wait for the Tower of Terror ride x) After we went back to Disneyland and rode the teacups and just spent the rest of the time just walking around (: Babe was tired so he slept in the car, drove him back home then I got home. Best date ever! Thanks baby! I love you (:

Friday, March 25
Went to visit Lincoln with Cathy then she came along with me to pick up Eugene. Got McDonalds then got lost finding his aunt's salon and while he was getting his hair cut.. I WAS PLAYING POKEMON :D After we dropped Cathy off and then we went to Riverside. I was tired so I ended up just knocking out after we finished watching Toy Story 3 and spent the night. Yay I got to fall asleep in babe's arms (:
Saturday, March 26
OMG THIS GUY WILL NOT LET ME SLEEP! LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEE! I ended up staying in bed playing Pokemon for a while, then we went to get Taco Bell, watched Lilo and Stitch, then falling asleep again. When we woke up, babe took me to eat unlimited sushi! It was sooooo goood! After I had to leave so I dropped him off then came home.
Overall, I had a great time with babe(: Even though we had that one negative time.. we had a bunch of positive time! I wish I got to spend more time with him but this just means I get to be more happy to see him when I do (: I love you babe! Thanks for the great memories(: