Monday, September 27, 2010

Random Night!

So today was the first day of the YUCA Modern & Traditional dance practices. This year I'm a level higher! Promoted to choreographer baby! The morning started off with the main choreographers meeting together to finalize what we have set for the year. One thing that I'm really happy about is being strict on attendance. In all honesty, the past 2 years that I've been on the team, a lot of people got off easy on attendance and it really effects the team when people don't show up on time or they're absent a lot. It's really unfair to those who actually come to practice and work hard for it. In all honesty, cocky people who think they're good and can keep up needs to stfu because this is team work homie. Anyways, it was nice seeing people having fun and actually trying! It made me really happy! We started off with footwork and some basic stuff. After we took a break, we taught them a one eight count routine and they performed it for us. Oh another thing that made me really happy was that THERE WAS A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN TRADITIONAL! YAY! After everything, we just messed around with the music and just started dancing :D After the day was over, a couple of us stayed after to just relax and hang out. I love these kiddos (: Oh yeah.. AND EFF YOU JULIE FOR ELBOWING MY FACE! IMMA GET CHU BACK! WATCH YOUR BACK! >]

I went home and took a ice cold shower! It felt so nice! But I dried up so fast! D; After relaxing for a bit, I headed out to dinner with Dennis and Trinh. We ended up going to eat at Coco's at Pasadena. I had a six cheese ravioli. Zomg it was really cheesy! I couldn't even finish it! We spent about a hour just talking and catching up on stuff. Its nice not seeing people for a while sometimes because you can always have long conversations!

After dinner, I went to visit Kelly and her new car! I need to get her that "Sorry I drive too slow" sticker! Randomly, we decided to go to Cha for Tea because she was hungry and I was thirsty so what the heck?! We had a nice conversation as well. While we were there, I saw Jenna & finally met Dareel! After they left, I saw Grace too! Random?! Hah Kelly and I had a nice conversation with our waiter too! I love how people are so friendly at Cha! We just talked about all these art related stuff but what got us talking was cause I was freestlying a bit so he was like "You dance?" Kelly and I were like "I bet this guy can do a backflip!" And whatta you know?! Another dancer! And a token black guy who works at Cha! Hah After that, we were bout to leave, AND GUESS WHO WAS AT THE CASHIER? YONG CHONG. YOURE A BITCH FOR NOT TALKING TO ME ANYMORE! Nah I'm just playing! (: After I caught up with him for a bit, Kelly and I headed home. On the way home we were just singing to the radio and that was pretty much my day (:

I loved today~

So the other day, I was thinking of auditioning for 909 hip-hop at UCR. But here's the thing.. I have a midterm for Psych that day :( I was thinking maybe I can at least make it to the 2 practice try-outs and I'm pretty sure I can make it to the actual auditions. But is it worth driving 100 miles [back and forth in total] for it? The down fall is gas, mileage, and I'd have to rush there all the time. Well.. I'm not sure bout the practice schedules but just throwing that out. But what i'll get out of it is that I'd be able to dance on a team and compete like the good old days! Tempting.. Or maybe I'll go out for something here.. I JUST REALLLY GOTTA DANCE!

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