Wahh time was passing by so slow at school today! We weren't allowed to leave school till after 4th period. What a pain in the butt. Hah don't you just love how we all just happen to have "doctors appointment" at the same day? xD
Yay! When Maggie and I got to her house, her parents came home so we were able to get a ride to Chinatown! Damnn they made me have so much hair that I never knew I had! It was quick too and the lady who did our hair was really cute. Every time she did something, she would say things like "Oh so prettty! So Cute! etc." Quynh came to pick us up and then we went to get Sophia. We got a little lost but we found our way! Once we got to Jia Ying's grandma's house, SHE WASN'T EVEN READY! SHE WAS BARLEY STARTING ON HER HAIR! LAG! So then Quynh started on our make-up. It wasn't until 3:30 that she was finally done! Lien was already at my house. Damnn she literally brought a box of make-up! I really loved how Quynh did my make-up! By the time we finished, it was about 5ish already and Yong still wasn't here! Andy came and then we just sat around and waited for Yong. Finally he came and changed and we left the house around 6.
Thank goodness for gift cards! We had to rush with the pictures because we were on a time limit. While waiting, Gina said that she was going to come visit so I asked if she can buy some Cha for Tea [thinking she was there but she ended up going to Lollicup T.T] So she didn't make it to us in time :/ Arg WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED EVEN MORE?! THE WHOLE WORLD DOESN'T FUCKEN REVOLVE AROUND YOU! During the car ride back, my dad was nagging at me. Being that I was already pissed off, he irritated me more. Once we got to prom I just walked straight into the bathroom to fix my make-up.

Me: Hey daddy
Dad: Yeah?
Me: So that guy Andy.. he's my boyfriend
Dad: He's YOUR boyfriend? Hah It's ok just don't let it mess with your life.
Above all, I wish Prom didn't end so fast, because time is precious and my night was definitely memorable.
the two songs we danced to:
forever young + i'm yours = forever I'm yours ♥
"today was a fairytale I wore a dress you wore a dark gray t-shirt you told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess today was a fairytale" ;; Taylor Swift
this time stamp is a straight out lie
ReplyDeletecause it was saved as a draft silly :3