Yawnnnnnnnnnnn another morning where I had to get up early. Actually.. I told Andy to wake me up at 7 and I didn't roll out of bed till 7:30 xD After I finally got my lazy ass up I jumped into the shower and didn't realize how hot i put the water so that was my wake up call !

Left the house around 8 and walked all the way to the music center. Right when I got to the bottom of my hill I just saw a bunch of people running! I was like oh shit! I took my sweet time walking cause everyone else was stuck (: I got to the music center before them so I decided to just walk down to where they were. Finally we started handing out water to the runners. Ashley and I were the loudest ones again like last year! And we even got some of our YUCA members to cheer with us! :D Wahhh so tiring! But at least we went to Burger King after. FOOOOOD!

After all that, I walked with Andy to Union Station then all the way back home. I should start walking often :3 I would say it was about a 50 minute walk because I was walking slow.


bout 2 hours later, I thought that we were going to go to Glendale mall, but I ended up going to South Coast Plaza with my parents and Salina. Wahh that mall makes me feel broke! D; All I wanted was a damn balloon and my mommy ignored me! :[ Walked around and went to look for a dress for the wedding coming up. I liked the green dress, but it wasn't something I would wear so I ended up not buying anything. Funny thing happened though. So I was walking around the make-up area of Macy with my mom and the sale's lady that was helping my mommy asked if I was her daughter. After my mom said yeah she said "You know, I think you'd look really pretty with make up and boys will go crazy for you or do you have a boyfriend? well if you do he's one lucky guy cause you're pretty with and without makeup" I was scared to say anything cause my mom gave me this threatening smile ._.

oh yeah and i was bored, so i decided to cut my bangs and trim my hair :3
not that big of a difference though.

Woot woot ! I'm happy I got to spend a whole weekend with Andy (: