My morning started off with breaking into people's locker (:
1st ;; Ap Econ. Damn I looked like shit cause I was so tired LOL Like literally, I just clipped my hair up and left to class. While walking to class half asleep, I bumped into Andy. Heh I love his hugs :3 Lesson of the day! DEAD WIGHT LOSS! = IT NEVER HAPPENED!
2nd;; Precal. Aww Ashley got me a cupcake (:

Nutrition. I got dragged around back and forth by Jia Ying & Sophia ._. While going back down the stairs to go back to Wong's, Andy was walking up and gave me a rose (: First time that happened to me!

4th ;; Ballet. Auditions!
Lunch. TETRIS!
5th ;; Service. Graded papers & slept!
6th ;; Astronomy. Oh gosh so many names to remember..
Afterschool ;; Volleyball. Damn Cathy and I looked like bums just sitting on the floor waiting for our ride to volleyball practice! We didn't get to practice till like.. 4:20ish maybe? Practice was pretty bad today. Our team has bad communication skills. Went to buy McdDonalds with Gerry, Cathy, and Leyi. Damn we were soooo hungry! When we went back to the gym, we were playing this one game "I have the hat, I gave it to blah blah blah" hah oh man that was one intense game to figure out! Screw you Kellly! poor Cathy still didn't get it (: Everytime Cathy screamed out 'TELL ME' I would start singing "Tell me why ain't nothing but a heart ache! Tell me why! Ain't nothing but a mistake!" LOL pretty much for the rest of practice, we just sat around, sang, talked, and played taht damn game!
GG i have a sore throat and a stuff nose out of no where! it started hurting around 2nd period. I thought that it was just from all the chocolate and that it'll pass by, but it got worse D; I don't want to get sickkkkk ! I REFUSE!
Damn this weekend is lock down due to Chinese New Years.
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