ok so in reality i should really be reading for econ but a break doesn't hurt right?
anyways, today i decided to skip out on ice skating with my sisters because i felt that i should stay home to catch up on sleep, get work done, and clean. woah right? me? skipping out on ice skating? chyeah. weird right? i don't know lately i've just been feeling really mellow and calm. like i just want to sit around and not go out. maybe this it's part of growing up ? probably this is why my cousin suddenly began staying home and cleaning rather then go out as much as we use to when she was my age. but then again, it felt nice to just clean around i feel better bout myself now lol. also trying to keep my new years resolutions! which are..
- work harder in school!
- be less lazy!
- get my drivers license!
- get closer to mom & dad before i leave for college
- less procrastinating!
- save money!
- use money wisely!
- get more sleep!
- have more confidence!
- eat healthier
- work out on a daily basis
- raise my immune system!
- stay positive!
- help around the house more
- help mom out at work more often on my free times
- spend more time off the computer
- spend more time reading
- take more walks around the park
- go to more events/shows/concerts!
- try something new
- go to a new exciting place!
- adventure!
- grow hair longer!
- spend more time with little sister Molina (:
- take more pictures!
- keep room clean
- past is past, stay in the present (:
- less :(
- more :D & :) <3
- ?
yup yup. me? not being lazy? time for a bunch of changes, but i'll still be myself (: just a better person? i don't knowwwwwww
wow 2010 already.. graduation year..
i guess 2009 wasn't all that bad, but everyone will always say oh this was a bad year i hope next year is better. shouldn't it always be a good year because whats life without problems and drama? boring right?
first of all, i'm really glad i left verdugo for lincoln. everything just seems so much more exciting and easier for me. not to mention i'm actually working harder this year then i ever had. i can talk to a bunch of my teachers as if we've been friends forever and i've grown so much closer to people i wish i got the chance to be closer with before. i also get to actually be there for the friends that i couldn't before because i was at a different school. i can honestly say that transferring was the best decision i have ever made. i mean yeah i have good friends at verdugo, but here at lincoln, i have friends who actually know me inside and out. friends who are actually worth my time. no temporary friendships. no hi and bye friends. ok well yeah i have a few hi and bye friends still but here, i don't need to have a certain group of friends to hang out with. because no matter where i am or who i'm with, i will always get a hi and a smile, sometimes hugs too! even if i barley know or met the person! over at verdugo, all i had was always J3. and i'm glad that they still keep in touch with me even though i 'm not around as much anymore (:
you know the whole yeahh i'm down for you even though i don't know you or i did this and that for you just because and i don't get treated back the same? i take that back. i'm just happy in general because i can make people smile with the smallest things ever and i feel happy just making the other person happy. i don't need material things in return. all i ever wanted was a smile or a hug and hope that things are better for the other person. which i have done so much recently! ok i'm not trying to sound conceited or anything but i'm proud of what i've done for friends since i went to lincoln.
people come and go, but the good ones stay. fasho (:
& you especially, i'm glad that everything that has happened is continuing to grow better and close each and everyday. who knows. maybe one day.. but whatever happens, i'm glad that we can both have this chapter in our lives (:
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