This morning I woke up excited because I get to go driving and pick up Vincent Ho! So he's teh first friend that I got to drive around (:
Arg but I really hate it when someone is yelling at you while driving! It's like "CALM THE FUCK DOWN" Yelling is just a distraction! Just talk calmly! GEEZ
Anyways, Pho was goood. Nubi's was closed! WTF they need to put a bigger sign out that they have a change in schedule! Yogurland was yum (:
Dance practice was hellla long & frustrating. So it took us until 2 to do our photoshoot. Crazy man. People lag too much. Today I started off with modern. My group is getting better at getting into it. Traditional was when i started getting frustrated because i kept getting everything mixed up. Fuck man people need to give traditional some respect. Do they think they can just keep going in and out through our room without closing the damn door and run right through us while we're practicing? Fucken rude. Have some fucken respect. Man I was prepared to snap at someone. Oh gosh can't believe Henry was changing pretty much almost EVERYTHING. Oh wells it looks better then the original routine. Damn we didn't get out of practice till 5ish. Crazy. But Tiffany, Michelle, & I had one interesting conversation after practice (: Damn Tiffany is such a threat! But heck, that was one intensive practice. Running back and forth. Run throughs. Yeahh.
Finals week. Greatttttttttt
Wednesday - H Expo Comp & Ballet
Thursday - Ap Exon & Asian Studies
Friday - Precal & H Geography
I hope this week goes by fast.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
nlt - let met know
I can’t read your mind
I need you to say it
Plain and simple
I would give my life to you
Everything you needed
Baby I would be it
You’re the only one I talk to
Who really knows me
Tells me shows me
That it’s enough sometimes just to be myself
I don’t want nobody else
They don’t understand
That I gave away my heart
The moment that I shook your hand
Take my breath away
Buy me anything I ask
Go anywhere I wanna go
I traded everything just to know
Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
Let me know you’re thinking of me
When I can’t be there
Let me know you miss me
Call me up sometimes
I don’t wanna go but boy you gotta let me know
Stop and listen
It’s my thoughts calling your name
Screaming out the way I feel
I wish you would do the same
I think you might be on the same book
Same line same page
I’m tired
Listening to your silence brings the water to my eyes
I don’t want nobody else
They don’t understand
That I gave away my heart
The moment that I shook your hand
Don’t let me in the dark
Let this blind over my eyes
If you don’t feel the same
Is everything we have a lie?
Please give me a reason to stay
Gotta get us back on track
Cause the worst thing is
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back
I think you do but I need you to say it
I can’t read your mind
Tell me from time to time
I need you to say it
Need you to tell me (2x)
I can’t read your mind
I need you to say it (2x)
Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
I need you to say it
Plain and simple
I would give my life to you
Everything you needed
Baby I would be it
You’re the only one I talk to
Who really knows me
Tells me shows me
That it’s enough sometimes just to be myself
I don’t want nobody else
They don’t understand
That I gave away my heart
The moment that I shook your hand
Take my breath away
Buy me anything I ask
Go anywhere I wanna go
I traded everything just to know
Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
Let me know you’re thinking of me
When I can’t be there
Let me know you miss me
Call me up sometimes
I don’t wanna go but boy you gotta let me know
Stop and listen
It’s my thoughts calling your name
Screaming out the way I feel
I wish you would do the same
I think you might be on the same book
Same line same page
I’m tired
Listening to your silence brings the water to my eyes
I don’t want nobody else
They don’t understand
That I gave away my heart
The moment that I shook your hand
Don’t let me in the dark
Let this blind over my eyes
If you don’t feel the same
Is everything we have a lie?
Please give me a reason to stay
Gotta get us back on track
Cause the worst thing is
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back
I think you do but I need you to say it
I can’t read your mind
Tell me from time to time
I need you to say it
Need you to tell me (2x)
I can’t read your mind
I need you to say it (2x)
Let me know you love me
Let me know you care
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Gina Wu(:
Ok so first of all, today was a reallly good day. I had a lot of surprises today, well not really, but it was more of like woah did that just happen? Things like:
- waking up late but getting to school early
- a nice text convo with Michelle
- getting work done neatly without getting distracted
- getting asked to replace someone on urban movement [hip-dop dance team]
- interesting convo with fiancee
- getting my extra credit done in verdon level [aka extra detailed]
- a nice walk
oh man, i love school today (: and it was a nice weather!
Once I got home and went online, Tommy IMed me and since he was getting out of class and I just got home, we decided to go eat. Since we decided on eating korean bbq, we decided to invite someone else, and we picked Gina. So I called Gina and she was down. Tommy picked me up and then we went to pick up Gina. Right when she got in the car, she was like choking me while hugging me!

After we got out of the car, we had this long 5 minute tight hug that made me want to cry because for one, I 've been needing a hug like that and I haven't got once since forever, also it's been almost a whole year since we last hung out before our fight. Like the whole time just going up to the restaurant, sitting down, and picking out what to get, we just kept hugging and talking and talking. To me, I can honestly say that I was scared to see her again after all we went through. Anyways, korean bbq was reallllly goood! We concluded that we don't look alike anymore. After that we went to Nubi's. OMG froyo for only 50% off for the holidays! So I basicially only paid $1.84 for a 10.8oz froyo! Oh gosh our conversation about the past and comparing ourselves to then and now.. no commment! The talk about our friend's girlfriend who was obsessed with me o_________o I swear that was some freaky shit! hah oh man memories that we can actually reallly LOL about. Cues was fun! Even though the machine wasn't all that good, it's nice to have pictures (: After that we went to drop off Gina, and I went in to say hi to her mom.

When I walked in Gina went in to find her mom anddd this is how it went..
and it went on and on and on. Once her mom hugged me, I was pretty much in shock because I remember before she kinda had a problem with me, but at the same time, we use to be like mother and daughter close to, and it felt nice to actually be missed THIS much. Since it was late I had to cut the convo short, and head on home.
Oh man today was just so.. ironic. I didn't expect to see Gina nor her mom today. I didn't expect to have so many good long talks. I did not to expect a day like this. I wish everyday was full of surprises.
In all honesty, I'm glad that we didn't throw each other out. I mean yeah we had a really big fight, but we had a lot of good memories as well. Things can change in 12 months, and things have changed for the better. Even though we both changed, it wasn't bad, we've both grown to be more understanding and letting go of the past. Not to mention our appearance lol. I can name almost everything that has changed, but all I know is that the bond we had was still there. Gina taught me that I shouldn't be afraid to have a best friend. She was my best friend and I still can't find anyone to replace her, cause no one can compare. Yeah I've grown close to a bunch of people but they haven't been there as much as she has nor have they ever sacrificed as much as we did for each other. I don't know where our friendship is going to go now, but for sure I know that we will slowly be rebuilding it from the bottom to the top.
Thinking back, when was the last time i really received my favorite hug?
Just to let you guys know, I didn't describe my favorite type of hug in full details so there's more to it! No cheat codessss! (:
- waking up late but getting to school early
- a nice text convo with Michelle
- getting work done neatly without getting distracted
- getting asked to replace someone on urban movement [hip-dop dance team]
- interesting convo with fiancee
- getting my extra credit done in verdon level [aka extra detailed]
- a nice walk
oh man, i love school today (: and it was a nice weather!
Once I got home and went online, Tommy IMed me and since he was getting out of class and I just got home, we decided to go eat. Since we decided on eating korean bbq, we decided to invite someone else, and we picked Gina. So I called Gina and she was down. Tommy picked me up and then we went to pick up Gina. Right when she got in the car, she was like choking me while hugging me!
After we got out of the car, we had this long 5 minute tight hug that made me want to cry because for one, I 've been needing a hug like that and I haven't got once since forever, also it's been almost a whole year since we last hung out before our fight. Like the whole time just going up to the restaurant, sitting down, and picking out what to get, we just kept hugging and talking and talking. To me, I can honestly say that I was scared to see her again after all we went through. Anyways, korean bbq was reallllly goood! We concluded that we don't look alike anymore. After that we went to Nubi's. OMG froyo for only 50% off for the holidays! So I basicially only paid $1.84 for a 10.8oz froyo! Oh gosh our conversation about the past and comparing ourselves to then and now.. no commment! The talk about our friend's girlfriend who was obsessed with me o_________o I swear that was some freaky shit! hah oh man memories that we can actually reallly LOL about. Cues was fun! Even though the machine wasn't all that good, it's nice to have pictures (: After that we went to drop off Gina, and I went in to say hi to her mom.

When I walked in Gina went in to find her mom anddd this is how it went..
and it went on and on and on. Once her mom hugged me, I was pretty much in shock because I remember before she kinda had a problem with me, but at the same time, we use to be like mother and daughter close to, and it felt nice to actually be missed THIS much. Since it was late I had to cut the convo short, and head on home.
Oh man today was just so.. ironic. I didn't expect to see Gina nor her mom today. I didn't expect to have so many good long talks. I did not to expect a day like this. I wish everyday was full of surprises.
In all honesty, I'm glad that we didn't throw each other out. I mean yeah we had a really big fight, but we had a lot of good memories as well. Things can change in 12 months, and things have changed for the better. Even though we both changed, it wasn't bad, we've both grown to be more understanding and letting go of the past. Not to mention our appearance lol. I can name almost everything that has changed, but all I know is that the bond we had was still there. Gina taught me that I shouldn't be afraid to have a best friend. She was my best friend and I still can't find anyone to replace her, cause no one can compare. Yeah I've grown close to a bunch of people but they haven't been there as much as she has nor have they ever sacrificed as much as we did for each other. I don't know where our friendship is going to go now, but for sure I know that we will slowly be rebuilding it from the bottom to the top.
Thinking back, when was the last time i really received my favorite hug?
Just to let you guys know, I didn't describe my favorite type of hug in full details so there's more to it! No cheat codessss! (:
Monday, January 25, 2010
whats on my mind
first of all. dance. yes we do only have 2 practices left and no it's not mandatory but it's more of like you fucken should. if you know the routine, and you're at majority of the practices, then by all means you do what you must. if you don't fucken know it and you don't come to practice at all, then know that it will be your fucken fault if you screw up. us choreographers give up our time to help you guys out and have a lot of patience. we did not stop you from skipping out or not because it's not our responsibility to babysit you guys. you chose to take this extracurricular and it's your own responsibility to balance out your time. i'd have to admit that this year is pretty disappointing because of the lack of dedication. but i'm really proud of those who do.
second. work. omfg sometimes my kids just don't know when to fucken shut up. it's nice to have conversations once in a while and laugh. but the point where you just keep talking and not doing your work really pisses me off. us tutors aren't there just to mingle with you guys. nor are you guys there to mingle. also to the point where we have to tell you guys to lower your volumes more then 5 times is wayyy too much. and that new kid in my class today. who gives you the fucken right to disturb everyone and fucken talk back to us tutors? and do we really need to tell you to do your work every minute? we're trying really hard to help and everyone of you guys. we know that you guys are smart but everyone needs help every now and then.
third. ballet. fuck if you girls don't wanna fucken be in the class and just talk while we're all trying to get the moves down and fernadez is doing her best to help us. then get the fuck out. transfer out. let people who actually want to be there have the chance to even be in that class. we have our fun times. but don't you guys fucken know when to have fun and take things seriosuly?
fourth. shut the fuck up. don't tell me to fucken give up like that. just because i'm not with him, it doesn't mean that i should stop trying. i like this slow process. there's no need to rush into things. whatever happens between us, happens.
last, i'm more disappointed in my self for keeping things to my self instead of actually stepping up and saying something. i've been bottling up so much shit for the past few months and i'm about ready to snap anytime soon. i hesitate more then i ever do. i'm more scared then i have ever been. i'm more self controlled then how i use to be. i'm starting to get to the point where i'm more quiet and just want to get away from everything and just cry. keep everything to myself. and not let anyone know whats on my mind.
arg. i don't fucken know anymore. i'm starting to not know who i am myself anymore.
first of all. dance. yes we do only have 2 practices left and no it's not mandatory but it's more of like you fucken should. if you know the routine, and you're at majority of the practices, then by all means you do what you must. if you don't fucken know it and you don't come to practice at all, then know that it will be your fucken fault if you screw up. us choreographers give up our time to help you guys out and have a lot of patience. we did not stop you from skipping out or not because it's not our responsibility to babysit you guys. you chose to take this extracurricular and it's your own responsibility to balance out your time. i'd have to admit that this year is pretty disappointing because of the lack of dedication. but i'm really proud of those who do.
second. work. omfg sometimes my kids just don't know when to fucken shut up. it's nice to have conversations once in a while and laugh. but the point where you just keep talking and not doing your work really pisses me off. us tutors aren't there just to mingle with you guys. nor are you guys there to mingle. also to the point where we have to tell you guys to lower your volumes more then 5 times is wayyy too much. and that new kid in my class today. who gives you the fucken right to disturb everyone and fucken talk back to us tutors? and do we really need to tell you to do your work every minute? we're trying really hard to help and everyone of you guys. we know that you guys are smart but everyone needs help every now and then.
third. ballet. fuck if you girls don't wanna fucken be in the class and just talk while we're all trying to get the moves down and fernadez is doing her best to help us. then get the fuck out. transfer out. let people who actually want to be there have the chance to even be in that class. we have our fun times. but don't you guys fucken know when to have fun and take things seriosuly?
fourth. shut the fuck up. don't tell me to fucken give up like that. just because i'm not with him, it doesn't mean that i should stop trying. i like this slow process. there's no need to rush into things. whatever happens between us, happens.
last, i'm more disappointed in my self for keeping things to my self instead of actually stepping up and saying something. i've been bottling up so much shit for the past few months and i'm about ready to snap anytime soon. i hesitate more then i ever do. i'm more scared then i have ever been. i'm more self controlled then how i use to be. i'm starting to get to the point where i'm more quiet and just want to get away from everything and just cry. keep everything to myself. and not let anyone know whats on my mind.
arg. i don't fucken know anymore. i'm starting to not know who i am myself anymore.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
it's strange
how lately, i've been more mellow then out there. i guess it's nice to just sit down and relax, but it's as if i'm more annoyed easily then i have been. the thing is.. i just don't care. i just stopped caring bout a lot of things. things all around me. things like.. drama, friends fighting, people talking shit bout me, people talking shit bout my friends, family nagging at me, doing favors because people ask me, etc..
friends. people come and go, but i still don't know who i have a solid friendship with. friends who i can always turn to. who knows me inside and out. friends with respect. i can think of a few friends. but when i think about it, it's more of like the hi and bye friends at school who are only there when i ask for help. i miss having a friend who will just run up to me and hug me just because. a friend who doesn't even need to ask if i'm okay or not and just know. the type that will say "ok i'll be there in 5 minutes don't go anywhere". the one who will actually say "yeah you fucked up but hey life goes on there's no need to stay in the past. whats done is done." the truth. i don't need no "aw it's ok" cause in reality nothing is ok. people need to stop with the whole sweet talk. cause reality is a bitch and you take whatever shit comes in your way. i don't want that bullshit. i want to know that i can have a friend out there who can actually say shit to my face and tell me the truth. it's not like you can just sugar cult everything and it'll be alright. hey if i screw up i screw up. your mistakes should be your responsibility. yeah comfort is nice and all, but this is not some once upon a time story where you'll find your happily ever after. this is life. and there's no easy way out. all you can do is live it and learn from your mistakes.
now when i talk to people, it's like i have small things to say. i don't have a long deep conversation anymore with anyone. it's more of like i just listen and nod. say a couple of small words. and give a hug.
usually, i'd have a lot of things to say about any situation. i remember when i use to rush over to someone's house and just sit there till i know that they are ok. staying out late and going home alone because they're happy once again. thick or thin, any situation, i use to always be there. doing anything i possibly can just to make sure a friend in need is ok. but now that i look back.. i don't feel appreciated anymore. temporary friendships. HA. not worth my time.
although, i'd have to say that i appreciated the times we had. even though many friendships that i still cherish today are slowly fading, i'd have to admit that i'm glad that they can help their selves now instead of depending on me all the time.
today, i still continue to do favors for many people. lately it's always "hey jenn can you blah blah blah" and i'll just be like "ok" "sure" "why not".
this is such a pointless blog.
i've already made my choice in life and the priorities i want first. i've made my sacrifices and commitment. i know that it may be really busy, but i chose to put all this on myself. and i have no excuses to complain or get out of it.
maybe, i'm better off just keeping things to myself and helping myself.
i don't know.
life goes on
friends. people come and go, but i still don't know who i have a solid friendship with. friends who i can always turn to. who knows me inside and out. friends with respect. i can think of a few friends. but when i think about it, it's more of like the hi and bye friends at school who are only there when i ask for help. i miss having a friend who will just run up to me and hug me just because. a friend who doesn't even need to ask if i'm okay or not and just know. the type that will say "ok i'll be there in 5 minutes don't go anywhere". the one who will actually say "yeah you fucked up but hey life goes on there's no need to stay in the past. whats done is done." the truth. i don't need no "aw it's ok" cause in reality nothing is ok. people need to stop with the whole sweet talk. cause reality is a bitch and you take whatever shit comes in your way. i don't want that bullshit. i want to know that i can have a friend out there who can actually say shit to my face and tell me the truth. it's not like you can just sugar cult everything and it'll be alright. hey if i screw up i screw up. your mistakes should be your responsibility. yeah comfort is nice and all, but this is not some once upon a time story where you'll find your happily ever after. this is life. and there's no easy way out. all you can do is live it and learn from your mistakes.
now when i talk to people, it's like i have small things to say. i don't have a long deep conversation anymore with anyone. it's more of like i just listen and nod. say a couple of small words. and give a hug.
usually, i'd have a lot of things to say about any situation. i remember when i use to rush over to someone's house and just sit there till i know that they are ok. staying out late and going home alone because they're happy once again. thick or thin, any situation, i use to always be there. doing anything i possibly can just to make sure a friend in need is ok. but now that i look back.. i don't feel appreciated anymore. temporary friendships. HA. not worth my time.
although, i'd have to say that i appreciated the times we had. even though many friendships that i still cherish today are slowly fading, i'd have to admit that i'm glad that they can help their selves now instead of depending on me all the time.
today, i still continue to do favors for many people. lately it's always "hey jenn can you blah blah blah" and i'll just be like "ok" "sure" "why not".
this is such a pointless blog.
i've already made my choice in life and the priorities i want first. i've made my sacrifices and commitment. i know that it may be really busy, but i chose to put all this on myself. and i have no excuses to complain or get out of it.
maybe, i'm better off just keeping things to myself and helping myself.
i don't know.
life goes on
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
chocolate thunda!
rain rain and more rain :[
thank goodness today was the last day of heavy rain! the rain and i don't mix together. i'm surprised that i'm not sick after getting really soaked! the lightening, wind, and rain made me sad :[
ok so to the main point..
lately people have been telling me to just give up and let it go. but i already got this far, why should i stop now? yeah i may be killing me self over it but .. it's a challenge worth taking you now? it takes time and patience. and hey, even if nothing happens.. i'm glad that i went through the game.
you drive me crazy, you're difficult, you're confusing, you're an ass, you're a jerk, etc..
but i choose to stay and go through with it.

thank goodness today was the last day of heavy rain! the rain and i don't mix together. i'm surprised that i'm not sick after getting really soaked! the lightening, wind, and rain made me sad :[
ok so to the main point..
lately people have been telling me to just give up and let it go. but i already got this far, why should i stop now? yeah i may be killing me self over it but .. it's a challenge worth taking you now? it takes time and patience. and hey, even if nothing happens.. i'm glad that i went through the game.
you drive me crazy, you're difficult, you're confusing, you're an ass, you're a jerk, etc..
but i choose to stay and go through with it.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
ray too sexii fo u~
my room is the G-SPOT
call me mr.flinstone,
i can make your bed rockkk
oooooooooooooohhhhhh baaaabaaaayyyyyyyy
callme @ 32388991**
im watching ray and yong doing some calculus, but i have no damn idea, so i just kept singing BEDROCK! <<< sexy song
screw you ray!
call me mr.flinstone,
i can make your bed rockkk
oooooooooooooohhhhhh baaaabaaaayyyyyyyy
callme @ 32388991**
im watching ray and yong doing some calculus, but i have no damn idea, so i just kept singing BEDROCK! <<< sexy song
screw you ray!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
3 day weekend!
felt so long! So glad that it's finally the weekend! Tomorrow imma chill with the nigga's Ray & Yong. It's been a while since I got to hang out with them so I'm pretty excited (:
Today I went to help out Dennis around the church just to kill time. After we went to photofun to get some pictures developed and then we went to eat at Sizzlers. It was my first time there and it was reallly goood! But on man the whole trip there, Dennis and Trinh were picking on me! But it was funny (: It makes me feel happy that they sometimes introduce me as their own daughter lol. They pretty much are like second parents to me. After dinner we went to visit Helen because she was going back to Berkley tomorrow and it was pretty interesting lol. Crazy stuff is all I have to say.
So I was on tumblr and found this..
I don't get why guys think it's 'okay' to talk to multiple girls at the same time. Do they not realize that when they're talking to a girl like that, that girl believes every sweet word is said to her as her own? They may be just another girl to you, but you're not just another boy to them.
Today I went to help out Dennis around the church just to kill time. After we went to photofun to get some pictures developed and then we went to eat at Sizzlers. It was my first time there and it was reallly goood! But on man the whole trip there, Dennis and Trinh were picking on me! But it was funny (: It makes me feel happy that they sometimes introduce me as their own daughter lol. They pretty much are like second parents to me. After dinner we went to visit Helen because she was going back to Berkley tomorrow and it was pretty interesting lol. Crazy stuff is all I have to say.
So I was on tumblr and found this..
I don't get why guys think it's 'okay' to talk to multiple girls at the same time. Do they not realize that when they're talking to a girl like that, that girl believes every sweet word is said to her as her own? They may be just another girl to you, but you're not just another boy to them.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Princess and the Frog
I decided on not taking my test tomorrow because I rather practice more and be prepared then just taking it and wasting $70. I mean I feel like i am ready but at the same time, I rather practice more to be perfect then make small mistakes and get points marked off. But I went on the Pasadena course and it doesn't seem that hard. I did better near the end because I adjusted to the car more lol.
I dropped myself off at Pho Broadway and the guys were sick lagging it. We didn't get to eat till like 2 and I was there since 1 =.=
After I ended up going to watch the Princess and the Frog with Jia Ying and her little sister Queenie. It was a cute movie (: Short but I still like it. Except the fact that I really had to use the bathroom LOL. So after we went to Quickly's and just walked and talked. It was nice (:
Pretty glad that we're getting closer (:
I dropped myself off at Pho Broadway and the guys were sick lagging it. We didn't get to eat till like 2 and I was there since 1 =.=
After I ended up going to watch the Princess and the Frog with Jia Ying and her little sister Queenie. It was a cute movie (: Short but I still like it. Except the fact that I really had to use the bathroom LOL. So after we went to Quickly's and just walked and talked. It was nice (:
Pretty glad that we're getting closer (:
Monday, January 4, 2010
18 years of living (:
bobacookies (9:52:49 PM): i can't stay up tonight because I'm sick, but i wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you have a good 18 and that you'll succeed in every bit of your life in the future
mrthongsays (11:57:54 PM): happy birthday jenn bestie! x3
mrthongsays (12:00:00 AM): happy birthday jenn bestie! x3
-- he spammed me for 3 wholes minutes to make sure he's the first one to say it (:
cherrygerry820 (11:59:33 PM): Happy Birthday JEN! x3
kingofhobos1 (12:01:57 AM): :]
kingofhobos1 (12:02:04 AM): happy birthday
yummyxbobasaur (12:02:16 AM): thank you (:
yummyxbobasaur (12:02:22 AM): now you gotta make me a video on facebook now LOLLL
kingofhobos1 (12:06:24 AM): after
kingofhobos1 (12:06:25 AM): application
kingofhobos1 (12:06:26 AM): D:<
kingofhobos1 (12:06:35 AM): my bandana's in the laundry
kingofhobos1 (12:06:40 AM): i cant look all gangster for you
-- LOLLLL (:
mzzkrazie63 (12:02:33 AM): happy b-day babe!!! x3
asiu824 (12:07:59 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <3
fernando2male (12:27:24 AM): HAPPY BDAYY!!!, sorry I'm 27 minutes late
LolWilson94 (12:45:20 AM): happy birthday
LolWilson94 (12:45:20 AM): your so big now
LolWilson94 (12:45:24 AM): :D
raydontfail (12:52:24 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY
raydontfail (12:52:27 AM): RIGHT ON TIME
raydontfail (12:52:30 AM): ME tHE FIRST ONE
yummyxbobasaur (12:52:47 AM): LMFAO NINJA YOU LATE AND EARLY BUT THANKS (:
raydontfail (12:53:01 AM): wth im one of the first one no/
yummyxbobasaur (12:53:12 AM): lol wanna check my blog?
raydontfail (12:53:44 AM): ohw ell
raydontfail (12:53:48 AM): according to hawaii time
raydontfail (12:53:50 AM): ur bday is in 2 hour
yummyxbobasaur (12:53:52 AM): LOLLL
yummyxbobasaur (12:54:01 AM): according to my life, iwas born at 1am
raydontfail (12:54:10 AM): ok
raydontfail (12:54:14 AM): 6 more min
raydontfail (12:54:17 AM): this time
yummyxbobasaur (12:54:21 AM): lol kris is waiting 6 more minutes too
raydontfail (12:54:25 AM): ur mom heart is beating like real fst
yummyxbobasaur (12:54:32 AM): HAHAHHA
raydontfail (12:54:35 AM): ur dad is nervous
raydontfail (12:54:38 AM): i can see it
raydontfail (12:54:47 AM): waiting outside the room
raydontfail (12:55:03 AM): u know wat
raydontfail (12:55:06 AM): hapy bday
raydontfail (12:55:13 AM): ill be 5 min early
raydontfail (12:55:16 AM): cuz im cool like dat
yummyxbobasaur (12:55:27 AM): haha thanks nigga (:
yummyxbobasaur (11:44:39 PM): haha technically i was born at 1am
krisHIZZLE98 (12:51:43 AM): 9 more min
yummyxbobasaur (12:52:00 AM): haha aww your waiting till my actual birth time? (:
krisHIZZLE98 (12:52:10 AM): :]
krisHIZZLE98 (12:59:37 AM): :o
yummyxbobasaur (12:59:42 AM): :o
krisHIZZLE98 (12:59:57 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
krisHIZZLE98 (1:00:02 AM): :]
philthychosenfew (1:06:43 AM): happy birthday
philthychosenfew (1:06:45 AM): =]
MMMCrayonzz (1:11:30 AM): happy birthday big sis :-D
cherrygerry820 (1:22:39 AM): Henry said Happy Birthday
Marv N le3 (1:32:24 AM): HAPOPPY BIRTHDAY
Marv N le3 (1:32:35 AM): =)
LoL ChewyyMon (1:38:47 AM): happy bday doggiee :]
itsjudyxwhoa (7:29:07 AM): Happy Birthday Jenna! x3 (:
scabydo0721 (12:42:34 PM): hey jenn! happy 18 bday =D
scabydo0721 (12:42:39 PM): yay i finally got ur age right!
cr4z3ymik31994 (12:48:23 PM): happy bday jen :-D
jankenpwn (10:38:46 PM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
jankenpwn (10:38:55 PM): [:
William Chyy (11:06:06 PM): Happy Birthday, Jenn!!
aznjonnyforever (11:41:46 PM): Jingle bells, Jennifer ung smells, but its her bday so happy birthday to you, happy bithday to you, happy birthday to youuu.
xvampireknight (11:50:05 PM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY--even though its almost over
xvampireknight (11:50:11 PM): well, youre still gonna be 18
philthychosenfew (12:01:56 AM): happy day after ur bday
mrthongsays (11:57:54 PM): happy birthday jenn bestie! x3
mrthongsays (12:00:00 AM): happy birthday jenn bestie! x3
-- he spammed me for 3 wholes minutes to make sure he's the first one to say it (:
cherrygerry820 (11:59:33 PM): Happy Birthday JEN! x3
kingofhobos1 (12:01:57 AM): :]
kingofhobos1 (12:02:04 AM): happy birthday
yummyxbobasaur (12:02:16 AM): thank you (:
yummyxbobasaur (12:02:22 AM): now you gotta make me a video on facebook now LOLLL
kingofhobos1 (12:06:24 AM): after
kingofhobos1 (12:06:25 AM): application
kingofhobos1 (12:06:26 AM): D:<
kingofhobos1 (12:06:35 AM): my bandana's in the laundry
kingofhobos1 (12:06:40 AM): i cant look all gangster for you
-- LOLLLL (:
mzzkrazie63 (12:02:33 AM): happy b-day babe!!! x3
asiu824 (12:07:59 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <3
fernando2male (12:27:24 AM): HAPPY BDAYY!!!, sorry I'm 27 minutes late
LolWilson94 (12:45:20 AM): happy birthday
LolWilson94 (12:45:20 AM): your so big now
LolWilson94 (12:45:24 AM): :D
raydontfail (12:52:24 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY
raydontfail (12:52:27 AM): RIGHT ON TIME
raydontfail (12:52:30 AM): ME tHE FIRST ONE
yummyxbobasaur (12:52:47 AM): LMFAO NINJA YOU LATE AND EARLY BUT THANKS (:
raydontfail (12:53:01 AM): wth im one of the first one no/
yummyxbobasaur (12:53:12 AM): lol wanna check my blog?
raydontfail (12:53:44 AM): ohw ell
raydontfail (12:53:48 AM): according to hawaii time
raydontfail (12:53:50 AM): ur bday is in 2 hour
yummyxbobasaur (12:53:52 AM): LOLLL
yummyxbobasaur (12:54:01 AM): according to my life, iwas born at 1am
raydontfail (12:54:10 AM): ok
raydontfail (12:54:14 AM): 6 more min
raydontfail (12:54:17 AM): this time
yummyxbobasaur (12:54:21 AM): lol kris is waiting 6 more minutes too
raydontfail (12:54:25 AM): ur mom heart is beating like real fst
yummyxbobasaur (12:54:32 AM): HAHAHHA
raydontfail (12:54:35 AM): ur dad is nervous
raydontfail (12:54:38 AM): i can see it
raydontfail (12:54:47 AM): waiting outside the room
raydontfail (12:55:03 AM): u know wat
raydontfail (12:55:06 AM): hapy bday
raydontfail (12:55:13 AM): ill be 5 min early
raydontfail (12:55:16 AM): cuz im cool like dat
yummyxbobasaur (12:55:27 AM): haha thanks nigga (:
yummyxbobasaur (11:44:39 PM): haha technically i was born at 1am
krisHIZZLE98 (12:51:43 AM): 9 more min
yummyxbobasaur (12:52:00 AM): haha aww your waiting till my actual birth time? (:
krisHIZZLE98 (12:52:10 AM): :]
krisHIZZLE98 (12:59:37 AM): :o
yummyxbobasaur (12:59:42 AM): :o
krisHIZZLE98 (12:59:57 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!
krisHIZZLE98 (1:00:02 AM): :]
philthychosenfew (1:06:43 AM): happy birthday
philthychosenfew (1:06:45 AM): =]
MMMCrayonzz (1:11:30 AM): happy birthday big sis :-D
cherrygerry820 (1:22:39 AM): Henry said Happy Birthday
Marv N le3 (1:32:24 AM): HAPOPPY BIRTHDAY
Marv N le3 (1:32:35 AM): =)
LoL ChewyyMon (1:38:47 AM): happy bday doggiee :]
itsjudyxwhoa (7:29:07 AM): Happy Birthday Jenna! x3 (:
scabydo0721 (12:42:34 PM): hey jenn! happy 18 bday =D
scabydo0721 (12:42:39 PM): yay i finally got ur age right!
cr4z3ymik31994 (12:48:23 PM): happy bday jen :-D
jankenpwn (10:38:46 PM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
jankenpwn (10:38:55 PM): [:
William Chyy (11:06:06 PM): Happy Birthday, Jenn!!
aznjonnyforever (11:41:46 PM): Jingle bells, Jennifer ung smells, but its her bday so happy birthday to you, happy bithday to you, happy birthday to youuu.
xvampireknight (11:50:05 PM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY--even though its almost over
xvampireknight (11:50:11 PM): well, youre still gonna be 18
philthychosenfew (12:01:56 AM): happy day after ur bday
Saturday, January 2, 2010
ok so in reality i should really be reading for econ but a break doesn't hurt right?
anyways, today i decided to skip out on ice skating with my sisters because i felt that i should stay home to catch up on sleep, get work done, and clean. woah right? me? skipping out on ice skating? chyeah. weird right? i don't know lately i've just been feeling really mellow and calm. like i just want to sit around and not go out. maybe this it's part of growing up ? probably this is why my cousin suddenly began staying home and cleaning rather then go out as much as we use to when she was my age. but then again, it felt nice to just clean around i feel better bout myself now lol. also trying to keep my new years resolutions! which are..
- work harder in school!
- be less lazy!
- get my drivers license!
- get closer to mom & dad before i leave for college
- less procrastinating!
- save money!
- use money wisely!
- get more sleep!
- have more confidence!
- eat healthier
- work out on a daily basis
- raise my immune system!
- stay positive!
- help around the house more
- help mom out at work more often on my free times
- spend more time off the computer
- spend more time reading
- take more walks around the park
- go to more events/shows/concerts!
- try something new
- go to a new exciting place!
- adventure!
- grow hair longer!
- spend more time with little sister Molina (:
- take more pictures!
- keep room clean
- past is past, stay in the present (:
- less :(
- more :D & :) <3
- ?
yup yup. me? not being lazy? time for a bunch of changes, but i'll still be myself (: just a better person? i don't knowwwwwww
wow 2010 already.. graduation year..
i guess 2009 wasn't all that bad, but everyone will always say oh this was a bad year i hope next year is better. shouldn't it always be a good year because whats life without problems and drama? boring right?
first of all, i'm really glad i left verdugo for lincoln. everything just seems so much more exciting and easier for me. not to mention i'm actually working harder this year then i ever had. i can talk to a bunch of my teachers as if we've been friends forever and i've grown so much closer to people i wish i got the chance to be closer with before. i also get to actually be there for the friends that i couldn't before because i was at a different school. i can honestly say that transferring was the best decision i have ever made. i mean yeah i have good friends at verdugo, but here at lincoln, i have friends who actually know me inside and out. friends who are actually worth my time. no temporary friendships. no hi and bye friends. ok well yeah i have a few hi and bye friends still but here, i don't need to have a certain group of friends to hang out with. because no matter where i am or who i'm with, i will always get a hi and a smile, sometimes hugs too! even if i barley know or met the person! over at verdugo, all i had was always J3. and i'm glad that they still keep in touch with me even though i 'm not around as much anymore (:
you know the whole yeahh i'm down for you even though i don't know you or i did this and that for you just because and i don't get treated back the same? i take that back. i'm just happy in general because i can make people smile with the smallest things ever and i feel happy just making the other person happy. i don't need material things in return. all i ever wanted was a smile or a hug and hope that things are better for the other person. which i have done so much recently! ok i'm not trying to sound conceited or anything but i'm proud of what i've done for friends since i went to lincoln.
people come and go, but the good ones stay. fasho (:
& you especially, i'm glad that everything that has happened is continuing to grow better and close each and everyday. who knows. maybe one day.. but whatever happens, i'm glad that we can both have this chapter in our lives (:
anyways, today i decided to skip out on ice skating with my sisters because i felt that i should stay home to catch up on sleep, get work done, and clean. woah right? me? skipping out on ice skating? chyeah. weird right? i don't know lately i've just been feeling really mellow and calm. like i just want to sit around and not go out. maybe this it's part of growing up ? probably this is why my cousin suddenly began staying home and cleaning rather then go out as much as we use to when she was my age. but then again, it felt nice to just clean around i feel better bout myself now lol. also trying to keep my new years resolutions! which are..
- work harder in school!
- be less lazy!
- get my drivers license!
- get closer to mom & dad before i leave for college
- less procrastinating!
- save money!
- use money wisely!
- get more sleep!
- have more confidence!
- eat healthier
- work out on a daily basis
- raise my immune system!
- stay positive!
- help around the house more
- help mom out at work more often on my free times
- spend more time off the computer
- spend more time reading
- take more walks around the park
- go to more events/shows/concerts!
- try something new
- go to a new exciting place!
- adventure!
- grow hair longer!
- spend more time with little sister Molina (:
- take more pictures!
- keep room clean
- past is past, stay in the present (:
- less :(
- more :D & :) <3
- ?
yup yup. me? not being lazy? time for a bunch of changes, but i'll still be myself (: just a better person? i don't knowwwwwww
wow 2010 already.. graduation year..
i guess 2009 wasn't all that bad, but everyone will always say oh this was a bad year i hope next year is better. shouldn't it always be a good year because whats life without problems and drama? boring right?
first of all, i'm really glad i left verdugo for lincoln. everything just seems so much more exciting and easier for me. not to mention i'm actually working harder this year then i ever had. i can talk to a bunch of my teachers as if we've been friends forever and i've grown so much closer to people i wish i got the chance to be closer with before. i also get to actually be there for the friends that i couldn't before because i was at a different school. i can honestly say that transferring was the best decision i have ever made. i mean yeah i have good friends at verdugo, but here at lincoln, i have friends who actually know me inside and out. friends who are actually worth my time. no temporary friendships. no hi and bye friends. ok well yeah i have a few hi and bye friends still but here, i don't need to have a certain group of friends to hang out with. because no matter where i am or who i'm with, i will always get a hi and a smile, sometimes hugs too! even if i barley know or met the person! over at verdugo, all i had was always J3. and i'm glad that they still keep in touch with me even though i 'm not around as much anymore (:
you know the whole yeahh i'm down for you even though i don't know you or i did this and that for you just because and i don't get treated back the same? i take that back. i'm just happy in general because i can make people smile with the smallest things ever and i feel happy just making the other person happy. i don't need material things in return. all i ever wanted was a smile or a hug and hope that things are better for the other person. which i have done so much recently! ok i'm not trying to sound conceited or anything but i'm proud of what i've done for friends since i went to lincoln.
people come and go, but the good ones stay. fasho (:
& you especially, i'm glad that everything that has happened is continuing to grow better and close each and everyday. who knows. maybe one day.. but whatever happens, i'm glad that we can both have this chapter in our lives (:
ok cupid says that i am..
Your result for The Lover Style Profile Test...
The Surprising Lover
64% partner focus, 48% aggressiveness, 75% adventurousness
Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:
You prefer your romance and love to wild and daring rather than typical or boring, you would rather be pursued than do the pursuing and, when it comes to physical love, your satisfaction comes more from providing a wonderful time to your partner than simply seeking your own.
This places you in the Lover Style of: The Surprising Lover.
The Surprising Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and, like the name implies, is often filled with hidden delights and talents that might not be apparent from a surface knowledge of the person. The Surprising Lover is rather like a geode--sometimes rough on the exterior, but filled with beauty and wonder. The Surprising Lover is thus a gem to find, though it can sometimes be difficult to do so because they often tend to be humble and unwilling to reveal their inner greatness unless they're in a rewarding relationship.
In terms of physical love, the Surprising Lover really shines, often highly imaginative and utterly devoted to bringing the heights of pleasure to the one that they truly love. Given a rewarding, reciprocative relationship, and the right lover, the Surprising Lover can be a delight in bed.
Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Carnal Lover (most of all) or the Exotic Lover, or the Suave Lover.
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:
You prefer your romance and love to wild and daring rather than typical or boring, you would rather be pursued than do the pursuing and, when it comes to physical love, your satisfaction comes more from providing a wonderful time to your partner than simply seeking your own.
This places you in the Lover Style of: The Surprising Lover.
The Surprising Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, and, like the name implies, is often filled with hidden delights and talents that might not be apparent from a surface knowledge of the person. The Surprising Lover is rather like a geode--sometimes rough on the exterior, but filled with beauty and wonder. The Surprising Lover is thus a gem to find, though it can sometimes be difficult to do so because they often tend to be humble and unwilling to reveal their inner greatness unless they're in a rewarding relationship.
In terms of physical love, the Surprising Lover really shines, often highly imaginative and utterly devoted to bringing the heights of pleasure to the one that they truly love. Given a rewarding, reciprocative relationship, and the right lover, the Surprising Lover can be a delight in bed.
Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Carnal Lover (most of all) or the Exotic Lover, or the Suave Lover.
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:
Friday, January 1, 2010
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