When I was five, my best friend and I had a fake wedding. Today is our real one. His enduring love and friendship to this day GMH.
Other people's boyfriends take them out for elaborate meals, and buy them Tiffany bracelets. My boyfriend, though, is eighteen, lives by himself, goes to school, pays rent and has no money. Our dates are nights in with movies. When I see him going through his change jar to treat me to some chocolate, it makes me wanna cry. His love GMH.
While I was having the worst time of my life laying in bed depressed because my grandmother was beaten and raped, my girlfriend got a ladder, climbed to my bedroom window, came in, and layed with me. She made me breakfast and made me feel better. My girlfriend GMH.
I mentioned once on a facebook status that I didn't like what we had at home for me to bring to school for lunch, so I'd just skip lunch. The next day my friend put a paper bag lunch with my name on it on my desk. She didn't know that we didn't have any food at all for me to bring. Her kindness GMH.
Today, three of my closest guy friends had come to visit me in the hospital. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with cancer and I had lost all of my hair. They came in with flowers, shaved heads, a smile and said, "You're beautiful to us, even if you don't think so. We're in this together." GMH.
My first day of senior year was going horrible. Everything that could possibly go wrong did. When I walked into my favorite teacher's room, a friend of mine was there, and when he overheard me complaining about how horrible my day had been he got up from his chair across the room and gave me a hug. His hugs, compassion, and love GMH.
Last summer, a girl I had only seen twice before sprinted to my house when she heard that I had been broken up with.She hugged me and consoled me. She took me to the playground and swung on the swings, she made me smile. Over a year later, we are now best friends, we went to prom togetherm and we still swing on the very same swings. GMH
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