A - AskA's what he wants for dinner cause i'm a good cook B - BrushA's hair cause he's gonna grow his hair out C - CurlA's long hair D - Deny that A smells good E - Enter in a sweep stakes to win a day with A, and win! F - FindA's box of goods G - GiveA the famouz hug H - HugA until his ribs hurt, but he won't hurt I - IgnoreA's good smell J - Just admit that the last 26 things that A just came up for you are like, awesome and totally worth your time K - "kill" babycakes♥ andrew L - Leave the lights on for a full day so no vampires come into your room! M - Make cookies so that santa can come early! N - Name some new constellation out of some stars. forget the ones you already know and just draw! O - Organize your photo albums with someone and share them P - Pile up some rocks into something cool Q - Question someone you've always wanted to know something about R - Relax, cause some people think you just deserve it, and cause everyone needs it at some point! S - Sing like a weirdo at the park or in the streets! or sit somewhere and just siing! T - Thank the people who've done a lot for you, and the people who you take for granted U - Make an effort to try and understand someone you normally argue with and get their side of the story, and share yours, too V - Verify something you're doubting in your life. Check and put to rest some doubt you have. It might not be pretty. It can be about yourself. Or something you think is true or untrue. Hell, it might even mean reading Wiki. W - Go 4 months without washing your beautiful white car :] except for the wind shields and mirrors and windows! (8/26-12/26) X - watch A'sXXX Y - Yell and Scream with someone like you guys were really having an argument. just get it all out, and when you are done, hold hands or hug and just smile at each other. Z - as item 101, a special number 101, which in college is like a central class about learning basics of something... 101 should be to do something spontaneous
i know homie wtf u never beeen here once when im down!!
ReplyDeletehaha, naah, it's okaay wifey <3
ReplyDeleteI still love youu :]