so today i woke up to 3 text messages. eff you guys for waking me up! but it felt goood to catch up on sleep :)
So as i was heading to chinatown to meet up with beef [atis] i almost got hit by a car =.= oh and i walked by my house that i grew up in when i was born. damn.. it looks so differnt.. we use to have a beautiful garden in the front now it looks like shit. finally i met up with beef and we waited for May, then we walked her to her doctor's place and went to hill street cafe. woot woot atis treated me to boba! ;D then i poured all my left over boba into his haha dana and michelle finally came and we headed off to pho boardway to meet up with may. mhmm yummy pho! when michelle was looking through my camera, she showed it to vincent's dad and he was all like "elaing?!" haha maybe he didnt recognize me as much as vincent's mom. so after steven came and we finished eating, we went to wait for the dash. ZOMG IT TOOK FOREVER! michelle decided on not going so it was just me dana and steven.
damn it took forever to get to glendale to meet up with ray and anthony. i ended up buying 6 tops all less then $30 :D i felt like such a smart shopper. haha damn we bumped into sooo many people today! chiara, julie, my sister & her bf, cathy & her sister, and christy haha i was sad that carlotte russe didnt have the 2 shirts that i really wanted T.T its ok i'm happy with what i have though. so after dana, steven, ray, and anthony left, i went to jamba juice and tried White gummy bear for the first time. it was pretty good :) then i went to meet up with my sister, i got bored so i decided on walking around more. then we left bout 8:30 stopped by wallgreens to pick up pics, went to burrito king, YUMMM then got home bout somewhere close to 9
so while walking around bymyself around the mall, my friend kelly was texting me. we had this conversation about me transferring, and she said she wanted to transfer too, but i told her that she shouldnt cause then she'll have many people who would miss her and especially her tennis coach since she's been top for long. and i was telling her my reason to why i regret not transferring. i can honestly say that i dont feel like i belong at verdugo. i'm not happy there. i stayed because of friends. but this year i realize that they weren't the friends that i stayed for.. i dont really have a reason to stay. [and my dog is snoring x.x] before freshmen year i had the choice of belmont or verdugo. hells no i didnt want either but i had to go verdugo cause my sister and cousins were there. typicla asians parents. i was only whatevers bout it cause i knew people there. assuming we'd all always be together forever [damn was i young and stupid] we all seperated. in middle school everyone was like "i'm so happy you'll come to verdugo! we usually only get to see you once in a while! now we get to see each other everyday!" i felt like i had a big group of friends that would stick together. but damn was i wrong. high school changes everyone. another reason was because i got onto the dance team. damn freshmen year to now has been blah. i never had a year of high school that i enjoyed. everything started falling apart. i lost a best friend. a bunch of friendships were ruined. so much has happened. i don't have anyone that i can depend on for help when i need it. honestly, i think that it won't even matter if i leave, cause i'm always thrown away to the side anyways.
i can be so much more happier then i am now..
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