OK JUST TO CLARIFY THINGS! NO ken and i did not break up! the whole F***MyLife story is a website! just a story bout people who gets owned! haha i have no reason for ken and i to break up :] you people are crazyyy! *cough*michelle,dana,rei*cough*
so school was whatevers as usual. finished watching Titanic. then we started Slumdog Millionaire. lunch was pretty fun :] played a little volleyball and danced with Jamie ;D got back to class and continued watching. i fell asleep. then i woke up and the bell rang at the moment he was telling Jamal if he won or not. damn good timing.
got off the bus and walked with Judy to get ice cream. then walked to the donut shop . and i finally got my orange bang and shaved ice xD after Judy walked home and i walked with Sandy to Lincoln HS. meet up with van. said hi and gave hugs to people i saw. then i was bout to meet up with Ken but Michelle and Van dragged me away D: we were walking to the dash and michelle was all like "OMG YOU LOOK LIKE A MIDDLE SCHOOLER!" and im like WTFFF haha. walked to the dash. got on dash. saw Ken walking with his boyfriend carlos :P
after van and i got off at phoneix bakery. bought a cake . stopped by for boba. walked over to
F***MyLife.com story of the day!
Today, I was leaving to go over to a friend's and my parents suddenly ask if I'm gay. I reply that no, I'm bisexual. My mom then asks if I've ever made out with someone of the same sex and I say yes. She turns to my dad and says 'I told you so. You owe me $20'. My parents bet on my sexuality. FML
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