i don't want to waste my time on "friends" who will be there one minute and the next minute act as if we were strangers..
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
SAT comparison
Math - 450
Critical Reading - 400
Writing - 380
Math - 420
Critical Reading - 380
Writing - 340
atleast i scored 90 points higher then my last test! :O
Math - 450
Critical Reading - 400
Writing - 380
Math - 420
Critical Reading - 380
Writing - 340
atleast i scored 90 points higher then my last test! :O
Sunday, October 25, 2009
project 2good!

thanks vincent ho for helping! (:
ok so the plan was that i was going to ask him after dance practice. so after practice & meeting was done, vincent followed andy outside and i was hiding and trying to listen to when vincent was going to say "hey andy will you go to homecoming with me?" and once he said it, i was hiding behind andy with the sign and this was how it went..
Vincent: hey Andy, will you go to homecoming with me?
Andy: wtf whyy
Vincent: cause I'm reading the sign behind you
Andy: *points at me and Vincent
Me: *shakes my head left & right
Andy: sure
so while i was home and talking to Andy..
hobos1 (8:32:39 PM): my friend thinks what you did is cuute
hobos1 (8:32:40 PM): i think its cuute
bobasaur (8:33:42 PM): i think with my plan, you would have been frustrated LOL
hobos1 (8:33:49 PM): nah
hobos1 (8:33:49 PM): lol
bobasaur (8:33:54 PM): lol damn
hobos1 (8:34:03 PM): you beat me to asking to homecoming
bobasaur (8:34:10 PM): it required alot of searching
hobos1 (8:34:10 PM): got me while my haands were dirty from taking out the garbage
bobasaur (8:34:13 PM): LMFAOOOO
bobasaur (8:34:21 PM): oh were you going to ask me?
hobos1 (8:34:47 PM): yeahhhhhhhh
hobos1 (8:34:49 PM): but yknow
hobos1 (8:34:50 PM): let's haffun
bobasaur (8:35:00 PM): lmfao when were you?
hobos1 (8:35:05 PM): after i took the trash out
hobos1 (8:35:08 PM): that exact same time
hobos1 (8:35:09 PM): iwas coming in
hobos1 (8:35:11 PM): to wash m'hands
hobos1 (8:35:12 PM): and hunt you down
bobasaur (8:35:15 PM): HAHHA
bobasaur (8:35:26 PM): i win!
bobasaur (8:35:41 PM): can't beat how good i asked you!
hobos1 (8:36:27 PM): it's cute
hobos1 (8:36:29 PM): creative
bwahhaha i beat him to it by a minute! >]
2good (:
thanks vincent ho for helping! (:
ok so the plan was that i was going to ask him after dance practice. so after practice & meeting was done, vincent followed andy outside and i was hiding and trying to listen to when vincent was going to say "hey andy will you go to homecoming with me?" and once he said it, i was hiding behind andy with the sign and this was how it went..
Vincent: hey Andy, will you go to homecoming with me?
Andy: wtf whyy
Vincent: cause I'm reading the sign behind you
Andy: *points at me and Vincent
Me: *shakes my head left & right
Andy: sure
so while i was home and talking to Andy..
hobos1 (8:32:39 PM): my friend thinks what you did is cuute
hobos1 (8:32:40 PM): i think its cuute
bobasaur (8:33:42 PM): i think with my plan, you would have been frustrated LOL
hobos1 (8:33:49 PM): nah
hobos1 (8:33:49 PM): lol
bobasaur (8:33:54 PM): lol damn
hobos1 (8:34:03 PM): you beat me to asking to homecoming
bobasaur (8:34:10 PM): it required alot of searching
hobos1 (8:34:10 PM): got me while my haands were dirty from taking out the garbage
bobasaur (8:34:13 PM): LMFAOOOO
bobasaur (8:34:21 PM): oh were you going to ask me?
hobos1 (8:34:47 PM): yeahhhhhhhh
hobos1 (8:34:49 PM): but yknow
hobos1 (8:34:50 PM): let's haffun
bobasaur (8:35:00 PM): lmfao when were you?
hobos1 (8:35:05 PM): after i took the trash out
hobos1 (8:35:08 PM): that exact same time
hobos1 (8:35:09 PM): iwas coming in
hobos1 (8:35:11 PM): to wash m'hands
hobos1 (8:35:12 PM): and hunt you down
bobasaur (8:35:15 PM): HAHHA
bobasaur (8:35:26 PM): i win!
bobasaur (8:35:41 PM): can't beat how good i asked you!
hobos1 (8:36:27 PM): it's cute
hobos1 (8:36:29 PM): creative
bwahhaha i beat him to it by a minute! >]
2good (:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
t i r e d
Oh man this morning I was so tired I didn't even want to roll out of bed.
School was alright. Now a days I'm trying my best to stay up and concentrate in class. Today I actually realize that in some classes, I sit around the wrong people who do not work at all. I mean yeah they do work, but they're just easily distracted that I allow myself to be distracted. I guess the only class that I wasn't annoyed in was ballet because since Fernandez was tired as well, we just did calm silent stretching. It felt good! Although, I hurt my right foot from doing the splits & stretching. But it's all good!
Man for some reason, I just start to feel so distance from people. It's like suddenly, friends stop talking, and everyday is like.. silence.. Yeah people have their own things and all that what not, but it bugs sometimes you know?
Arg work, I was just so frustrated today with Dalton! I try my best to find anyway to explain to him how to do his math homework. But all he kept doing was guessing and guessing. He didn't even bother trying! I'm making the steps so obvious and he's still guessing! Even if I write out "a positive plus a negative equals a negative" "If your dividing by a negative it equals a positive" "To bring this number to the other side, you have the do the opposite. So since this number is a positive, how do you bring it to the other side? You subtract it" etc. Sometimes i still wish that kids didn't depend on technology so much these days. I had one student who always says "I'm lazy to look through the dictionary! I'll look it up on dictionary.com when I get home!" Wow. Seriously? How lazy can you get? Since I started working at LHTP, it made me realize how I should be more appreciative of how my dad took his time to help me out of his busy schedule. Shoot even my little sisters are so lazy that when my dad takes his time to help them out, they just get all mad and frustrated. Whatever happen to trying? Honestly, yes I can admit that I can get very lazy and stop trying. But I regret it now. This year I'm more busy then ever and I learned that sacrifices must be made. ALOT of sacrifices.
My schedule consists of..
Monday-Friday: School
Monday-Wednesdays: Work
Every other Thursday: YUCA
Sunday (Saturdays will be added on soon): help teach dance for YUCA Modern & Traditional
Some Friday: IP/YUCA related stuff or Go help mom at the store.
Some Saturdays: Volunteer
ESHHH I put alot of responsibilities on myself this year, and I will not complain. I do it because I WANT TO. I transferred to Lincoln for better teachers & better grades. I work because I can't always depend on my parents to give me money. I am really active and involved with YUCA because I enjoy doing community service, the people, the excitement, and Dennis & Trinh. They both have made a big impact on my life and encouraged me, without doing anything, to do more then I ever thought I would. I choose help teach both modern & traditional because it's my passion. I choose to accept the responsibility of being the Increase the Peace Committee Treasurer because I want to push myself more, and learn, to be a better leader. I help out with YUCA alot, even if I don't need to, because I want to. I go to events early , not only to bother Dennis, but to lend a extra hand. Man oh man. On the other hand, college applications. I still need to start on my personal statement.
Everyone says senior year is suppose to be fun, but I put more on myself then I should. But it's alright! Because I know that it'll all be put to good in the end! I'm proud of what I'm doing now because I would honestly rather be busy with something that will be put to good, then going out everyday and wasting my time. Ok well.. hanging out isn't a waste.. but there will always be a next time!
On the other hand.. arg people man. If you have something to say, think before you speak, because you never know what you will say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Life ain't no fairytale. It's a roller coaster with up's & down's. But not everything will always go your way. It's a pain in the ass. Live with you. Appreciate your life and what you have. Doesn't matter what others say because you live your own life. Heck if your going to let yourself hang on to the past, might as well not look forward to what life has to offer. If your going to waste my time by complaining to me and not doing anything bout the problem, don't even bother coming back to me to pick you up when you fall. Before I would always give up my time for friends, now that I realize that people who don't appreciate aren't worth my time, forget it. Things have changed.
One more thing.. If your not going to try or work hard for it, then why bother at all?
Appreciate the little things in life.
School was alright. Now a days I'm trying my best to stay up and concentrate in class. Today I actually realize that in some classes, I sit around the wrong people who do not work at all. I mean yeah they do work, but they're just easily distracted that I allow myself to be distracted. I guess the only class that I wasn't annoyed in was ballet because since Fernandez was tired as well, we just did calm silent stretching. It felt good! Although, I hurt my right foot from doing the splits & stretching. But it's all good!
Man for some reason, I just start to feel so distance from people. It's like suddenly, friends stop talking, and everyday is like.. silence.. Yeah people have their own things and all that what not, but it bugs sometimes you know?
Arg work, I was just so frustrated today with Dalton! I try my best to find anyway to explain to him how to do his math homework. But all he kept doing was guessing and guessing. He didn't even bother trying! I'm making the steps so obvious and he's still guessing! Even if I write out "a positive plus a negative equals a negative" "If your dividing by a negative it equals a positive" "To bring this number to the other side, you have the do the opposite. So since this number is a positive, how do you bring it to the other side? You subtract it" etc. Sometimes i still wish that kids didn't depend on technology so much these days. I had one student who always says "I'm lazy to look through the dictionary! I'll look it up on dictionary.com when I get home!" Wow. Seriously? How lazy can you get? Since I started working at LHTP, it made me realize how I should be more appreciative of how my dad took his time to help me out of his busy schedule. Shoot even my little sisters are so lazy that when my dad takes his time to help them out, they just get all mad and frustrated. Whatever happen to trying? Honestly, yes I can admit that I can get very lazy and stop trying. But I regret it now. This year I'm more busy then ever and I learned that sacrifices must be made. ALOT of sacrifices.
My schedule consists of..
Monday-Friday: School
Monday-Wednesdays: Work
Every other Thursday: YUCA
Sunday (Saturdays will be added on soon): help teach dance for YUCA Modern & Traditional
Some Friday: IP/YUCA related stuff or Go help mom at the store.
Some Saturdays: Volunteer
ESHHH I put alot of responsibilities on myself this year, and I will not complain. I do it because I WANT TO. I transferred to Lincoln for better teachers & better grades. I work because I can't always depend on my parents to give me money. I am really active and involved with YUCA because I enjoy doing community service, the people, the excitement, and Dennis & Trinh. They both have made a big impact on my life and encouraged me, without doing anything, to do more then I ever thought I would. I choose help teach both modern & traditional because it's my passion. I choose to accept the responsibility of being the Increase the Peace Committee Treasurer because I want to push myself more, and learn, to be a better leader. I help out with YUCA alot, even if I don't need to, because I want to. I go to events early , not only to bother Dennis, but to lend a extra hand. Man oh man. On the other hand, college applications. I still need to start on my personal statement.
Everyone says senior year is suppose to be fun, but I put more on myself then I should. But it's alright! Because I know that it'll all be put to good in the end! I'm proud of what I'm doing now because I would honestly rather be busy with something that will be put to good, then going out everyday and wasting my time. Ok well.. hanging out isn't a waste.. but there will always be a next time!
On the other hand.. arg people man. If you have something to say, think before you speak, because you never know what you will say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Life ain't no fairytale. It's a roller coaster with up's & down's. But not everything will always go your way. It's a pain in the ass. Live with you. Appreciate your life and what you have. Doesn't matter what others say because you live your own life. Heck if your going to let yourself hang on to the past, might as well not look forward to what life has to offer. If your going to waste my time by complaining to me and not doing anything bout the problem, don't even bother coming back to me to pick you up when you fall. Before I would always give up my time for friends, now that I realize that people who don't appreciate aren't worth my time, forget it. Things have changed.
One more thing.. If your not going to try or work hard for it, then why bother at all?
Appreciate the little things in life.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
goood fridays (:
it's one of those friday's where you can just take a break form school & chill with friends!
so in the morning, van and i went to verdon's room to hide the cookies. it was kinda obviouse where we hide it too! heh so first period comes along amazingly i stayed awake in ap econ! but i got picked on for answering the question wrong D; well that's what i get for not studying enough. for math we had a bitchy sub. o___o english we just had to cluster our vocab words. damn i never noticed how much he annoyingly talks >[ but whatevers i just stayed quiet. SO APPARENTLY VERDON DIDN'T TELL KENNY TO GO LOOK FOR THE COOKIE! SO I HAD TO FREAKEN GO IN WITH HIM TO FIND IT! >[ ballet.. ohhh man we did hard core work out today! but it's all good! works me out ! pep rally was hot as usual. but it's always exciting! woot woot lincoln tigers! asian studies we just watched the movie and answered our questions on it. geography was whatevers as usual. but i'm starting to ask more questions in my classes now so i'm in the progress! :D

afterschool we went to the post office to pick up my hat & yong's ! fashooo! then we walked to bi-rite to buy some junk fod and headed over to julie's. damn man paula and julie were all sniffing me ! i felt harassed! just kidding! we ended up buying 2 bags of large chips, 2 2liter sodas, and those huge ass gallons of cookies and cream! fat asses much? we just chilled at julie's house. watched tv. eat. dance, and i fell asleep. LOLL it was a good nap though! marco & sergio came later on and we started heading for 99 about 6:30?

man the weather felt niceeee! haha so on the way, i thought i saw kenny across the street and i call him, apparently it was. LOLLL so he said that he'll just meet up with me later so we can go lollicup. and before we got to the park i bumped into shy & lucy (: finally we got to the park and started balling. damn we were getting raped! man this is telling me how out of shape i'm in! i got tired and dehydrated so quick!
after a little game , i went to meet up with kenny. HE'S A SLOW WALKER! man guys and walking slow =.= so i decided to go to rite aid to buy a bottle of water. and he still wasnt there yet! finally he got to the dash bus stop, and the dash came. we got off at lollicup. and he hooked me up with a free LARGE drink! :D fasho! so then he ended up walking me home. it was a nice weather! not too hot not too cold! just perfect! i felt bad that he ended up walking home alone though D; but his brother ended up picking him up at alpine so he ended up not getting raped haha
i got home about 8:30 maybe? so i ended up going to union station with my sister to pick up her boyfriend. after that we went to buy burrito! yummm! it's like i only buy it when i'm with my sister and her boyfriend.
and this concludes me awesome friday! :]
so in the morning, van and i went to verdon's room to hide the cookies. it was kinda obviouse where we hide it too! heh so first period comes along amazingly i stayed awake in ap econ! but i got picked on for answering the question wrong D; well that's what i get for not studying enough. for math we had a bitchy sub. o___o english we just had to cluster our vocab words. damn i never noticed how much he annoyingly talks >[ but whatevers i just stayed quiet. SO APPARENTLY VERDON DIDN'T TELL KENNY TO GO LOOK FOR THE COOKIE! SO I HAD TO FREAKEN GO IN WITH HIM TO FIND IT! >[ ballet.. ohhh man we did hard core work out today! but it's all good! works me out ! pep rally was hot as usual. but it's always exciting! woot woot lincoln tigers! asian studies we just watched the movie and answered our questions on it. geography was whatevers as usual. but i'm starting to ask more questions in my classes now so i'm in the progress! :D
afterschool we went to the post office to pick up my hat & yong's ! fashooo! then we walked to bi-rite to buy some junk fod and headed over to julie's. damn man paula and julie were all sniffing me ! i felt harassed! just kidding! we ended up buying 2 bags of large chips, 2 2liter sodas, and those huge ass gallons of cookies and cream! fat asses much? we just chilled at julie's house. watched tv. eat. dance, and i fell asleep. LOLL it was a good nap though! marco & sergio came later on and we started heading for 99 about 6:30?
man the weather felt niceeee! haha so on the way, i thought i saw kenny across the street and i call him, apparently it was. LOLLL so he said that he'll just meet up with me later so we can go lollicup. and before we got to the park i bumped into shy & lucy (: finally we got to the park and started balling. damn we were getting raped! man this is telling me how out of shape i'm in! i got tired and dehydrated so quick!
after a little game , i went to meet up with kenny. HE'S A SLOW WALKER! man guys and walking slow =.= so i decided to go to rite aid to buy a bottle of water. and he still wasnt there yet! finally he got to the dash bus stop, and the dash came. we got off at lollicup. and he hooked me up with a free LARGE drink! :D fasho! so then he ended up walking me home. it was a nice weather! not too hot not too cold! just perfect! i felt bad that he ended up walking home alone though D; but his brother ended up picking him up at alpine so he ended up not getting raped haha
i got home about 8:30 maybe? so i ended up going to union station with my sister to pick up her boyfriend. after that we went to buy burrito! yummm! it's like i only buy it when i'm with my sister and her boyfriend.
and this concludes me awesome friday! :]
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
i just want you (:
ok so today i decided to stay in my ballet's teacher classroom for lunch because i really got into watching the musical "Cats". so we were talking about productions and going professional in dance and all that what not. we talked bout our childhood, how dance became a big part of our lives, and our passion. the only thing she had to say to me was..
"always follow your dreams no matter what. just go for what you want and fight for it. my little hip hop i know your a fighter and can do it. don't let anyone ever stop you from doing what you want. especially something like dancing cause i can see it in your since day 1. i'm expecting to get invitations to dance performances of yours in the future"
man that made my day! i'm glad to have finally met a teacher that i can relate to and talk to anything about! not to mention her name is Jennifer as well haha :)
and when the unexpected occurs..
you never know when they're gone..
i may not have known you well but..
rest in paradise vickie chen
i may not have known you well but..
rest in paradise vickie chen
Sunday, October 11, 2009
closer bonds :)
with Julie Luu ! :)
JuLie (10:48:09 PM): i know.. i want to rape him.
bobasaur (10:48:44 PM): x.x
bobasaur (10:48:45 PM): ME FIRST
JuLie (10:48:49 PM): HAHAHAHAHA
JuLie (10:48:52 PM): oh hell no!
JuLie (10:48:57 PM): bitch fight*
bobasaur (10:49:08 PM): i meant you rape me first
bobasaur (10:49:09 PM): x.x
JuLie (10:49:16 PM): OH
JuLie (10:49:17 PM): LOLOLOL
JuLie (10:49:18 PM): <3
JuLie (10:49:20 PM): ......
JuLie (10:49:21 PM): LOL
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
wtf mann
suddenly i feel like i'm not the same as i was a few weeks ago..
i stopped trying
i'm easily angered
i'm not excited bout things anymore
i get frustrated
i bottle things up too much
i wanna break things
i want to scream
i suddenly start breaking down now.
wtf? usually i push myself and laugh at everything, and now it's all different. arg fuck man.
i am a huge disappointment to myself.
i stopped trying
i'm easily angered
i'm not excited bout things anymore
i get frustrated
i bottle things up too much
i wanna break things
i want to scream
i suddenly start breaking down now.
wtf? usually i push myself and laugh at everything, and now it's all different. arg fuck man.
i am a huge disappointment to myself.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Modern Placement Level Try-Outs
WOW SO MANY PEOPLE O_______O ! so before practice i went to jack in the box to buy food cause i was hungry and Dennis enjoys his peach ice tea! i ended up being the first person to show up. lol the funny thing was that the assitant choreographers [henry, gerry, and i] all showed up wearing purple! so then quynh showed up and we had our little secret choreographer talk bout what we were going to do today. Dennis & Trinh finally showed up and we all headed inside. while everyone else was helping set up, we were finishing up what we wanted the dancers to learn for placement level try outs.
after everyone checked themselves in, we started to stretch everyone out. man that felt good! and then we started lining people up so that quynh could mark which level to place each person in. it was funny but fun at the same time cause dang did these new comers picked up fastt! after break time was over, we showed them a routine from last year. we decided on teaching them first 2 8 counts of the usher routine. hah love that routine. after we all took turns to show the routine, everyone started eating. MAN I DIDN'T EVEN GET A SLICE OF PIZZA >[
so after everyone left, Quynh, Gerry, and I started choreographing. damnnn it's so cute and fun! eventually we started cleaning up, staying after just to talk. then everyone less and Dennis treated me to Taco Bell / KFC because i didn't get a slice of pizza xD oh yea and on the way back.. dodger traffic again! >[ above all.. good work out today!
btw i hope you guys don't think i was mean or anything. i had to speak loudly today because of the fact that there are soo many people and we need people to speak up or say something if you need help. also to pay attention. please and thank you! ^^
after everyone checked themselves in, we started to stretch everyone out. man that felt good! and then we started lining people up so that quynh could mark which level to place each person in. it was funny but fun at the same time cause dang did these new comers picked up fastt! after break time was over, we showed them a routine from last year. we decided on teaching them first 2 8 counts of the usher routine. hah love that routine. after we all took turns to show the routine, everyone started eating. MAN I DIDN'T EVEN GET A SLICE OF PIZZA >[
so after everyone left, Quynh, Gerry, and I started choreographing. damnnn it's so cute and fun! eventually we started cleaning up, staying after just to talk. then everyone less and Dennis treated me to Taco Bell / KFC because i didn't get a slice of pizza xD oh yea and on the way back.. dodger traffic again! >[ above all.. good work out today!
btw i hope you guys don't think i was mean or anything. i had to speak loudly today because of the fact that there are soo many people and we need people to speak up or say something if you need help. also to pay attention. please and thank you! ^^
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
College Applications
and so it begins..
since today only CSU's applications were starting, so far i've decided on..
for now
since today only CSU's applications were starting, so far i've decided on..
for now
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